One Year of TWA

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Hey y'all,

Exactly 1 year ago from today, my English teacher assigned an short story assignment to the class, that had to be about two people struggling to be together because of an external obstacle (this was supposed to be based off of Romeo and Juliet). After coming up with no ideas, I thought to myself "what if I use some of the BFDI characters to help me." So I did. The story, Out Little Secret, which you can find on my profile, ended up being the final project (except I humanized the names). After having so much fun with that, I really wanted to know what happened next. And now, over 50 chapters, 2,000 readers, and a lot of fun and work, here we are. I just wanted to come over here and thank everyone who has been reading this book over the past year, weather you've been here since chapter 1, or just found this book today. I could have never imagined it in a million years! I'm sorry that I've been inactive over here, but I'm hoping that my motivation for this book will come back and I can get some more chapters for you all! Once again, thank you, and Ill see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

Together We Are (a BFB Pin x Needle Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora