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Coinys POV

Ash and Rustie recently started up 2nd grade. Rustie loves it, heck, she loves school in general. She's been doing great on her reading and math. All her teachers say she is such a great student to have in class

However, with Ash, it's a different story. She's doing well in math, but reading is a different beast, and it has been since she first started it. Her teachers say she throws a fit when she has to read, and it gives her a really hard time. They also say she's falling behind, and is not recognizing words that most kids find easy. Before, we thought that it was just Ash being a fussy kid, but now, it's become a much bigger problem.

Firey and I have talked about it, and we think we know why Ash is having such a hard time reading. However, we weren't entirely sure, so we took her to see a reading specialist to see if she knew what was going on with Ash. And it's just as we thought.

Ash has dyslexia.

On the way back home, Ash got curious as to what this all meant, and so we explained it to her.

"Ashie, basically, it's a little harder for you to understand reading," I said to her.

"So is that why the letters never make sense," Ash asked.

"Exactly! But that doesn't mean you can't read, you just have to do it a little differently," Firey said. "And do you want to know something?"

"What," Ash asked.

"I have dyslexia too," Firey said.

"So is it hard for you to read?"

"Yeah, but I found a way to read that works for me, and I think we can find a way for you to be able to read to."


"Really! Don't worry Ash, it's all gonna work out, so give me a high five!" Firey reached his hand back to give Ash a high five. That made her feel a lot better. I can tell those two are going to be buddies.

When we got home, Ash had to do her reading homework. She went over and asked Firey to help her read it. The two of them sat on the couch together with the book she had to read. Firey read some of the book to her, but when they got to certain words, Ash had to read them out loud.

"Okay Ash, how about we try this one," he said, as he pointed to a word.

"H-O-M-E, hoo-mee?" Ash was trying really hard.

"Close, here's a hint, the e is silent"

"Oh, home," Ash said, excitedly.

"Nice work Ashie!" Firey gave Ash a high five.

"Home, really?" We turned to see Rustie. "Come on, how could you possibly struggle on that word!"


"I've known that word since I was in kidndegarden, how in the world-"

"Rustie!" She looked at me. Ash started crying, Firey was calming her down. "Come with me!" I took Rustie to my room.

"What is it dad?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Please don't say that to your sister."

"But dad, seriously, how could someone mess that word up?"

"Because, reading is a bit harder for her."

"But how could anyone mess up a word that simple?"

"Rustie," I said. "We just found out that Rustie had dyslexia."

"What's that?"

"It makes it harder for your sister to read. The words don't make sense to her like it does to you and me. She has to work really hard to sound out really simple words. Daddy has it too, and sometimes, I have to help him read some harder words."

"So, is that why dad had to help her with it."

"Yeah! He understands what Ash is going through, and is trying to encourage her. But, when you make fun of her reading like that, it makes her feel awful."

"Oh," she started to tear up, "I never thought of it like that. I didn't know that reading those words must make her feel great, but I just tore her down." I'm glad she understands what she did.

"Thank you for understanding, Rust. Now go and apologize to your sister." She ran back to the couch where Ash and Firey were.


"What now," she said angrily.

"I had no idea reading was so hard for you, I'm so sorry for making fun of you for trying to sound out simple words. It must be a lot of work for you." Ash smiled and gave Rustie a hug.

"I forgive you, Rust. I know it's hard for you to understand what I'm going through."

"Thanks Ash!"

Firey continued to help Ash read, while Rustie was cheering her on. I'm so glad Rustie is willng to make Ash feel better. After a bit, they got through a chapter of a book.

"Maybe reading isn't so bad, dad," Ash said to Firey.

"It isn't, it's actually kinda fun once yih get that hand of it."

"And thank you for helping me!"

"Ash, it's nothing. I had to go through all of this too, and I want to make this fun for you." Ash gave Firey a hug. I'm so glad the two can relate to each other, and I hope we can all do our part to cheer Ash on.


Wow, this chapter was trash! But oh well, it's over now. Don't worry, the better chapters are coming soon, I promise. And also, thanks for 1k on this story. This started out as a simple school project, but look at what it turned into! Anyway, I hope you are enjoying f this book, and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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