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Needles POV

I woke up the next morning, and smiled, just thinking about the future of me and Pin. I'm so exited to start thinking about our soon! But first, I need to tell Coiny the big news. I got out my phone, took a picture with my hand with the ring on it, and sent it to Coiny, and texted it to him him.

Me: Look at the Cool ring Pin bought be

Coiny: Wow, looks pretty



Your kidding

No way


I think he figured it out

Coiny: When's the wedding?

Me: I have no idea, it literally just happened last night

Coiny: Well, congrats Needle! I'm going to write Pin right now.

Me: Thank you!

Pins POV

I was awoken to a message by Coiny.

Coiny: Pin, Needle just told me the big news!

Me: She did?

Coiny: Yup. How'd you pull it off

Me: Long story short, I bought a ring from Leafy, then just yesterday I took her to the beach during sunset. It felt like something out of a movie

Coiny: How cute!

So when's the wedding

Me: the wedding, oh gosh, I haven't even been thinking about that.

Coiny: Well, I'm wishing you two the best!

Me: Thanks.

Actually, there is one thing I know about the wedding.

Coiny: And what would that be?

Me: You will be our #1 choice to be there. Youve been the most supportive person we know about our relationship, and I hope that continues

Coiny: Pin...that means a lot to me. I'm so glad that you find me to be such a supportive person about your relationship. I'll clear all my plans to come to you wedding

Me: Coiny, thank you, you're the best friend ever.

I went out to the kitchen to find that Needle was already cooking breakfast for the two of us.

"Well would you look at that, my fiance as emerged from her bedroom" She said. I blushed when she said that, this is the first time she as referred to me as her fiance.

"My fiance has already emerged from her bedroom" I said, it felt weird that this was actually how I could refer to her now. "Coiny asked me about the wedding. I hope you agree with me when I say that if we had to invite one guest to out wedding, it would be him"

"Agreed." She said. "Im a little nervous about telling my parents though. They know were dating, but do you think they would support us getting engaged?"

"I hope so, now you are making me a little nervous about what my parents are going to think about this"

"Pin, your parents are the sweetest people I know, I'm sure they will be supportive." She said, which made me think about telling them soon.

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