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(This takes place around 6 months after the last chapter)

Pins POV

Needle and I were headed off to Firey and Coiny's wedding. We dropped off Spindle at Lollipops house so she could watch him. They kept it small, and only invited 20 or so people. We watched them get married, and it felt amazing that Coiny was able to find someone he loves. After the ceremony was over, I was looking around the venue, and I realized that Coiny's parents never came to the wedding. Coiny then came up to Needle and I and we started chatting about life. Then I brought up the question.

"Hey Coiny, where are your parents?" Immediately, he started bursting into tears. Firey came up to him and gave him a big hug. Once he was done, me and Needle gave him a hug.

That's when I remembered: the sleepover incident.

"Its just..." I could tell he was having a hard time discussing it.

"Coiny, it's ok, I understand if you don't want to talk about it" I said to him.

"No no no no no, I do. You see... when I told my parents that I had a boyfriend, they...said...that-that I was a disgusting freak, and-nd that I should n-never step into their house again." When he said that, I wanted to go up to his parents and give them a punch in the face. I could tell that Needle felt the exact same way.

"Coiny, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you." Needle said. "You are not a disgusting freak, no matter what your parents say. You are an amazing person, and you have such an amazing husband," she gestured over at Firey. "Loving who you love does not make you a disgusting freak; it's a wonderful part of who you are!"

Firey spoke to him for a bit. "Dude, if their not gonna support us, then, you don't need them anymore." Firey then gave him a kiss. "I love you so much Coiny, I would never want any other husband besides you."

"And if they ever say that to you again, call up me and Needle, we'll beat them up for you." After I said that, Coiny started to feel a lot better.

"You guys are the best. Besides, I shouldn't be sad on my wedding day. Now who wants to go grab some snacks!"

Five months latter.

Spindle was going to be two in a couple of months, it's hard to believe sometimes. He was now able to communicate in small sentences. He also likes running around on the boardwalk when we take him, Spindle has a lot of energy.

Coiny and Firey have also been busy with their lives. They have been thinking about adopting a baby, and I wish them the best.

"Ma ma, look what I found!" Spindle came up to me with a flower. "Mommy showed me them outside."

"Spindle, I love it, thanks so much!"

"Yay!" He must have been excited to give me that. Needle was making a cake for someone in the kitchen, and I must say, it looks amazing!

"Wow Needle, never knew you could make this type of design! It looks amazing!"

"Thanks, Pin, I've been working on it forever!"

"Well, it's paying off, because I want to eat it right now! Oh, did you show Spindle the flowers outside, he was really excited to bring me one!"

"Yeah, I did, I told him to 'give the Flower to mama'"

"Well, he did indeed!"

"Hey Pin, do you want to give Coiny a call? I'm getting worried about him, he's not the guy to go months without texting us?"

"I was about to say that, he usually always writes to us at least once a week. Sure, I'll dial him right now." Coiny pick up the phone as soon I dialed him.

"Hey girls, what's up."

"Nothing much, we're just wondering if you're ok, you haven't texted us in a few months, and we're starting to get worried."

"Oh, i'm so sorry about that, it's just that-"

"COINY IT'S A MATCH," we heard Firey scream from the background.


"Uh, what," Needle said. Coiny came back on the phone around 5 minutes later.

"Girls, sorry about the screaming, but me and Firey just received some amazing news." I heard him start to cry. "It's official, we're adopting a baby."

"That's amazing, Coiny. I'm so happy for you!" I said.

"Thank you guys-"


"Guys, it's not a baby." Needle and I started to frown. "IT'S TWO! We're adopting twin girls!

"Two, wow, that's exciting, hopefully not too stressful," I said to him.

"I think everything is going to work out just fine, don't worry about us too much. They're going to be born in around three months! We're so excited!"

"Well, now we know why you've been so busy," Needle said to him.

"Heh, yeah, sorry for worrying you two. But hey, now you know the news!"

"Thanks, Coiny, talk to you later!" I hung up. I'm so happy for Coiny, hopefully he, Firey, and the twins are going to have a great future. 


Awe Coiny and Firey are going to be such great parents! As always, stay tuned for the next chapter!

- Sunny

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