Growing Up

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Coinys POV

Firey was taking Ash to hockey practice, so it was just me and Rustie at home. I was sitting watching the news, until I heard Rustie coming down the stairs.


"What is it Rust?"

"I think somthings wrong with me."

"What's wrong?" I was a little nervous.

"Come upstairs with me please." I followed her upstairs where she took me into the bathroom.

"I just started bleeding all the sudden." I looked in the toilet, and saw that the water was all red.


I knew exactly what this meant, but I wasn't prepared for it, at all. I mean, she's only 9, I wasn't expecting her to have it come so early.

"Daddy, do you know what's wrong with me?" I had no idea what to say to her.

"Nothings wrong with you hunny, this is all normal, here, come into my room so I can try to explain this all to you."

"Okay?" We went into my room and sat on my bed."

"So Rust...has anyone mentioned what a period is to you at all?"

"Yes, it's the dot that goes at the end of a sentence, we learned that a long time ago silly!"

"No, not that type of period, I mean the...other type."

"There's another type of period?"

"Yes. It short for something called a menstrual period." I can't believe I'm actually explaining this to her right now.'"

"What's that?"

"It's basically...bleeding from your area once a month."

"But why does it happen, and how long is this going to happen for?" Please don't make me explain more then I have to Rust."

"It happens's gettin your body ready to have kids one day."

"But daddy, I don't want kids right now, I wanna wait till I'm a grownup!"

"No no no, of course you're not gonna have kids now, it's just your body getting ready for it. And also, to answer you're other question, it's going to happen for the next 30-40years or so.

"That's a long time."

"I know it is."

"So you're saying other people get them to?"

"Yeah, lots of girls get their periods when there a little older, you just happened to get it early!"

"Does this mean I have to be an adult now!"

"No, you're still 9, enjoy being 9!"

"Okay dad. But, how do I deal with the blood?"

"Well...there are some things that you can buy at the store that catch the blood. You know what, go put some toilet paper around your panties and let's head out to the store!"

"Okay!" We went to a local pharmacy to see what they would have. I found the isle for feminine products, and took a look around. Then it hit me: I had not idea what I was doing.

I walked around the isle some more until I just ended up buying some random stuff. We went home, and I gave her the products.

"Daddy, how do I use this?" Dammit Rustie.

"Uhhhhh, here, give me that." She handed over the box of pads, and I looked at the instructions, which made absolutely no sense whatsoever. I told Rustie to go grab a clean pair of underwear so I could figure this out.

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