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Just by looking at Needle, it was obvious that she was in active labor. I immediately threw our bags in the car and called the hospital saying that we would be there in around 30 minutes. Needle managed to get herself into the car, and then I started driving us to the hospital. It started getting to the point where she could hardly talk during her contractions. I know Needle has a high pain tolerance, so this must have been bad. When I could, I held her hand while keeping one on the steering wheel.

"We're almost there, Needle, just take deep breaths."

After what felt like forever, we finally made it there and checked in, and officially determined that she was in labor. Once we were settled into a room, I texted my parents, and Needle texted hers. It was 2:30 am, so we didn't expect them to write back anytime soon.

After that, the rest of the night, I never left Needles side, holding her hand, and putting my other hand on her belly.

The night went by slowly, but soon enough, it was 8 am in the morning. We both heard a buz from our phones. We thought it was from our parents, but it was actually Coiny.

Coiny: hey girls, I'm free today, want to take one last stroll on the boardwalk before the baby comes.

Me: a little too late for that, Needle went into labor around one in the morning.

Coiny didn't respond to me, and I started to get worried. That was until we heard a knock on our door around 45 minutes later, and there he was.

"Coiny, glad you could make-ah" Needle said, before she had another contraction.

"Deep breaths Needle, it's okay." I said to her, trying to calm her down.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you in this much pain before, Needle. Looks like this baby is coming soon." Coiny said.

"Yeah, the doctors are thinking in around an hour or two." Needle said, once the contraction was over. Then I heard a buzz from my phone. My mom was calling me. I told her where to meet us, and she can around an hour later.

When my mom came, Needle was just moments away from giving birth. Doctors were rushing in the room, getting ready for the baby to come. I couldn't believe it, Needle and I were going to become parents!

"I'm scared, Pin. My mom hasn't even wrote back yet, I don't want to give birth without her."

"Needle, you know we could wait all day for you to give birth, but I don't think our little guy in there is willing to stay in you much longer." I could tell she looked really scared for what was about to happen. "It's okay, you can squeeze my hand as much as you need to, I don't mind, as long as your okay, that's all I'm worried about right now." I said, then a small smile grew on her face.

"Thanks Pin, that helped a lot."

And 30 minutes later, it finally happened, our little baby boy was born. The cry's of our child filled the room. I cut the umbilical chord as I saw my son for the first time. I started to cry, Needle and I were officially parents.

After some measurements were taken, the doctors put him on Needles chest.

"Hello baby, I'm your ma ma. You're okay sweetheart." Needle said to him, then she started to cry. "I love you so much. Over there is your other ma ma." I waved to him, I'm 90 percent sure he looked over at me.

The doctors took him, and wrapped him in a little blanket, and the two of us looked at him in silence.

"Pin, do you want to hold him?" Needle asked, I nodded and gently held him. He look at me in the eyes.

"Hello little one, it's ma ma. You're so adorable, pumpkin, I'm gonna make sure nothing happens to you." He was so adorable. Then I started to tear up again. "I love you so much." I kept looking at him, smiling.

"Mom, do you want to hold him?" I asked my mom. She held him for a bit, then she gave him to Coiny.

"Hello little dude, it's uncle Coiny." He said, Needle and I chuckled when he said "uncle" "What, am I not allowed to be Uncle Coiny."

"Of course you can be Uncle Coiny, after all, you are like a brother to us." Needle said to him.

We were deciding on a name, and we think we found the one, when all the sudden, we heard a knock on the door. It was Needles parents.

"Aw, did we miss the excitement? I didn't see your text till around an hour ago, and we rushed over here as fast as we could."

"Don't worry about it guys, at least he is here now." Needle looked over at me. I know what she wanted to do, I nodded back at her.

"Mom, Dad, meet Spindle Jacob Sharp."


The baby is here yay! Here is a fun fact: Spindles name was supposed  to be Thimble. That's because somehow, I thought a Spindle was the name of the thing you put on your thumb while sewing, but it's not, that is what a Thimble is. Out of curiosity, I looked up what I Spindle was, and it was this wooden thing you put on a sewing wheel or something (I still don't know exactly what it is). When I saw what a Spindle was, I thought it was a lot more fitting for the child then Thimble was, so yeah, history of Spindles name. I have lots of plans for Spindle so stay tuned!

- Sunny

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