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Pins POV

A few months later

Needle and I had recently came back from our honeymoon in the Bahamas. We had an amazing time, we got to go to the beach, stay at a nice resort, and even got to swim with dolphins, it was a blast.

But another thing we did during our honeymoon was talk about our future together, and what our plans would be. We would talk for hours about what we want to do with the bakery, do we want to move to a bigger place, stuff like that. We had our disagreements on a lot of those, but that's okay, since the two of us know that things are going to work out for us no matter what happens. However, there was one thing that we both heavily agreed on.

We wanted to start a family.

We wanted to have kids, to become parents, to give our children the happiest life ever. We didn't exactly know how we would have a family, but we would do it one way or another.

No matter what, I know our future is going to be a bright one, I just do.

Needle has been on her computer a lot, researching about what our possible options are. I know that Needle is totally on board with carrying a child, infact, I think she low key is looking forward to being pregnant in a way. Me on the other hand, not so much. The amount of stress that I'll have, knowing that I'm carrying a life inside of me, is just too much. I haven't really talked much to Needle about it though, and I feel like I should. I actually saw her in the kitchen, on her computer, and I decided to talk it over with her.

"Hey baby, can we talk for a minute" I said to her.

"Of course, you can talk to me about anything." She said with a smile.

"Well, I know that we have been talking a lot about having a family, and I know that you're totally on board with carrying a child, it's just that, I would be too nervous carrying a child, and, uh, I don't want you to think I'm selfish for making you do it, and-"

"Pin, it's okay, you're not at all selfish. Sure, I'm really cool with carrying a baby, actually, kind of looking forward to it. I actually thought that you would think that I selfish for not giving you the opportunity to carry out child"

"Needle, why would I ever think that you were selfish, if anything you are the total opposite."

"Huh, looks like we will both be happy if I'm the one whose going to be pregnant," Needle said.

"Well, looks like we were meant to be together for a reason." I gave her a kiss on the check.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what options were you thinking about, as far as a child goes"

"Well... I was thinking a lot about IUI. Basically, I would need to find someone who could donate their sperm to me, then a doctor would insert in into me, and in theory, nature should take its course and we would end up with a baby." She said. I had heard about IUI before, and I was thinking that would be a nice option for us, plus, I've heard that it's not too expensive. I saw that Needle looked a little nervous.

"Hey, what's up" I said to her.

"It's just, I never imagined that I was ever going to become a mom, and just the idea of talking about having a kid is making me think about so much. How are we ever going to have time to work at the bakery, do we need to get another place big enough for us, what if-"

"Needle, relax. If your not ready to have a kid, there is no pressure to have one."

"No, I'm ready for a kid, I'm just nervous I...wont be a good mom."

"That's nonsense, your gonna be a great mom. Even I'm a little nervous about this, but I know everything is going to work out for us, I promise. For now though, maybe we should get ready, and we should talk more about this later."

"Agreed" Needle said.

Five Months Later

Needles POV

I just finished up with my IUI appointment, and thankfully, everything went really smoothly. I am just so excited about maybe having a child in none months, if the procedure worked as it should.

"So Needle, how are you felling. I'm a little nervous, but also really hopeful." Pin said to me.

"Same, like the doctor said, we should wait about about two before a buy a test, so this is going to be a very anxious two weeks for me personally."

"I'm nervous for you. And hey, thank you so much for doing this, I would be a wreck if I had to go through all of this."

"Pin, it's all good, hopefully it will be worth it in the end to hold our child in our arms."

Two Weeks later

Needles POV

I went to the local pharmacy. Today was the day, we were going to find out if we were having a child. I bought two tests to play it safe, and made sure that I was really pregnant. I wanted to surprise Pin with the tests, so I didn't tell her that I was going to get them.

After I got home, I took the two test. I thought I was going to pass out since I was so nervous. After the three most anxious minutes of my life, I took a glance at the tests...

They were positive. Tears were streaming down my face, I tried not to be to loud though so I could surprise Pin.

I put the tests in a little gift bag, and gave it to her, saying that it was a gift from me that I found when I went out for a bit.

"Oh, no idea what this could be, why would you buy me a gift right now-" she said, before she froze when she saw the tests.

Immediately, she started crying and gave me a giant hug.

"You're pregnant, we're gonna be parents," Pin said through her tears.

This was it, we were finally going to have a family. I couldn't be more excited about having a baby.

And I wouldn't want to do it with anyone other than Pin.


They be havin a child. What shall happen to these girls now. Wait I know but you don't hehehehehe

- Sunny

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