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Before I begin the chapter, I would like to give a quick shout out to my irl friend for helping me out with this chapter. With that out of the way, enjoy!

Pins POV

3 months after we got our dresses, the day finally came. Needle and I will be officially married in less than 12 hours. So many emotions are going through my head right now, and just the idea of calling Needle my wife provoked so many thoughts. Our wedding is going to take place on the same beach I proposed to Needle on. Many of our friends are coming to the wedding, and Coiny even came back early from a tour he was doing with his band just so he could be with us.

Leafy was my maid of honor. She helped me get ready in one of the bathrooms where our reception was going to be.

"Pin, you look amazing!" she gushed. "I can only imagine the look on Needle's face when she sees you"

"Awe, do you really think so?"

"Of course, when have I ever said something I didn't mean?!"


Needles POV

I was in another one of the bathrooms in the reception area. Eggy was my maid of honor. She kept complimenting me about how good I looked, but that didn't change the fact that I was nervous.

"Relax Needle, its going to be amazing, you've been waiting for this day since you told me you had a crush on her back in college."

"There are so many things that could go wrong, though. What if she changes her mind? What if she regrets being with me! What if-"

"That's not gonna happen. Look at yourself. Who wouldn't want to be with you? Not to mention you're super nice."

"You're right Eggy, guess I'm just having pre marriage nervousness."


My dad walked me down the aisle, while Pins dad walked her down right behind me. When Pin and my eyes met, it was like I was back in high school, when I first realized I wanted Pin and I to be more than just friends. I fell in love all over again.

The priest was droning on and on, but all I paid attention to was my beautiful Pin. God, I love that girl so much. I can't believe she'd agree to marry me. I saw both of our parents crying in their seats. I then looked over at Coiny, and he looked like he was going to cry too.

When it was finally time for me to say my vows, I felt like I'd never been more ready for this moment. "Pin, you're the love of my life," I began. "And one of my best friends. I don't know why you'd choose me, of all people, but I'm honored you did."

Pins POV

"I didn't believe in soulmates until I met you, Needle. You've always been one of the few people who just gets me, and I love that about you. I don't have to worry about being judged by you, or whatever. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love that you love me for me."

I heard the many cheers and "awes" coming from the guests. I knew that there were a lot of people watching, but I was only focused on my beloved Needle.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you married." The priest said, as tears started flowing out of Needle's and my eyes. I reached over, and gave my now wife a kiss on the lips to seal out marriage. By now, all of the guests were in tears. The second we were done kissing, too many thoughts to name flooded my mind.


Needle and I were on the dance floor, dancing the night away. We had our photographer, Teardrop, take pictures of the two of us throughout the ceremony and the reception. Coiny came up to the two of us.

"GROUP HUG!!!!" he shouted from the top of his lungs. Yup, everything has clearly stayed the same between the three of us. I remember that less than two years ago, we were keeping our relationship a secret from Coiny, but look at where we all ended up.

"Thanks for supporting us," I said.

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't? I'll have your guys' back till the end, you know that." I smiled when he said that, Coiny was the definition of an amazing friend.

After the wedding was over, Needle and I headed back home and snuggled in bed together.



"I don't know why, but it's finally sinking in that you're my wife. We're gonna be together for the rest of our lives." I then gave her a hug.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

The two of us then slowly closed our eyes, and drifted off to sleep. 


Weeeeee. So they be married now. I have some big plans for these two coming up, so stay tuned!


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