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A month later.

Pins POV

Today, we dropped Spindle at my parents house to spend the next two days. Needle and I were going to go on a ski trip with Firey and Coiny. We went skiing a few years ago with Coiny, and had a lot of fun, but haven't done it since. Coiny was nice and drove us all to the mountain, which was four hours away. We were all in the car, heading up there.

"Hey Firey, have you skied before," I asked him.

"No, I'm a snowboarder, and have been doing it since I was little."

"Oh, cool. How's Rustie doing, by the way."

"A lot better. She was in the hospital for another week, and then we did some at home treatment. She is almost 100% now," Coiny said to us.

"Thats nice, where are Ash and Rustie now?" Needle asked them.

"Oh, they're at Fireys' sisters' house."

We pulled up to the mountain a couple of hours later, rented our skis, and got on our first lift.

"Coiny, please make sure to take us on the easiest trail!" Needle said.

"Don't worry, I'm taking us to the learning zone, which means that everyone there knows to look out for the beginners." We got off the lift, waited for Firey to buckle up, and Coiny led the way down trail. I was getting the hang of it, but Needle was having a bit of trouble. Firey was trying to help her, and Needle slowly got more comfortable. We skied that trail some more and then went and got some lunch. Firey brought the food over to us.

"So, Pin and Needle, what did you two think of the trail."

"I liked it," I said. "Are there other trails that are the same difficulty level?"

"There are a few on the other side of the mountain," Coiny said, "If you two want, we could head over there."

"That sounds good," Needle said.

"I'm with Needle, let's go check them out."

After lunch, we took another lift get to the other side of the mountain. I really liked the trials over there.

"Wow, these are pretty," I said. "Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this, maybe tomorrow we can head over to the slightly harder trails!"

"We can if you're up to it," Coiny said.

We skied over there for the rest of the afternoon. After we were all done for the day, we checked into our hotel room and ordered dinner. We planned tomorrow's trails out, and then we all went to bed.

The next day, we planned to go on some of the harder trails. We warmed up with some of the ones we went on yeasterday, then headed over to the harder ones after lunch. We got on the lift chair.

"Guys...I'm not sure if I'm ready for these." Needle said.

"Needle, it's gonna be ok, these are only the blue squares, they aren't that much harder the ones we already did, plus, the mountain is pretty much dead. When you hit the double blacks, that's when you get nervous," Coiny said. Needle let out a small chuckle. "And besides, if you don't like it, you can always head back to the other trails with one of us."

We got to the top, and stated skiing down. I enjoyed the trail we did! Needle, not so much, she wanted to head back to the easier trails. It ended up being that Firey was getting a little tired, so he went with Needle to the easier trails, while Coiny and I did some more of the blue squares. We got back on the lift.

"Hey Pin"


"There's a really fun freestyle park that's near here, the trails to get there are not that hard, could we maybe go over there to so I can do some of the features? You don't have to do the features, you can just ski around them.

"That sounds fine," I said to him. We got off lift, and started skiing down the trails, and eventually got to the freestyle park. Coiny looked like he was having a lot of fun on the features, he was actually good at them too! Coiny started to put his skis sideways, and jumped on a railing, and landed it almost perfectly. Then, at the end, there was one last ramp. He went over it, and started flying through the air. When he was starting to land, I saw him loose a bit of control in the air. I thought he was going to land it, but then he tripped when he landed, and started rolling down the hill. Immediately, I skied to his side.

"Coiny, are you okay...oh my, yeah, I don't think a leg is supposed to bend that way." I saw Coiny holding his right leg, crying in pain.

"Owwww, ahh, Pin, call ski patrol," he said, clearly in a lot of pain. I looked up the number and dialed ski patrol. Someone picked up.

"Ski patrol, how may I help you" they said.

"Hi, so my friend and I were at the freestyle park, and my friend landed a jump wrong, and I'm 99% sure he just broke his leg."

"Ok, do you know which park you're at?"

"Uhh...Coiny, what park is this?"

"Drop Off," he said.

"We're at Drop Off."

"Okay, I'm sending someone over there, they should be there in around 10 minutes or so."

"Okay, thank you!" I hung up.

"Pin, that was a stupid idea, I'm sorry for making you deal with me now."

"Coiny, it's okay, it was just bad luck, you did great on the other tricks!"



Eventually, ski patrol arrived, and they put Coiny in a sled to get him down the rest of the hill, while I skied behind them. They carried Coiny to the medical tent, and later him down on a bed. I texted Firey and Needle to let them know what was going on.

Me: hey guys, was at a freestyle park with Coiny, he wanted to do some tricks there while I just skied next to him. Long story short, he tripped when he tried to land a jump, rolled down the hill, and I'm 99% sure he just broke his right leg. Come and meet us at the medical tent.

Firey wrote back around 10 minutes later.

Firey: Oh my gosh, I hope he's ok, will be there in 5.

Needle and Firey came 5 minutes later. Around then, a doctor came in. She said that she would wrap his leg in a bandage, but we would have to get to the hospital to have it looked at more closely. Needle and I returned everyone's skis, while Firey carried Coiny to the car. Firey drove us all to the hospital and carried Coiny in. Eventually, we got a room. I texted my parents and Firey texted his sister to let them know that we would be home later then we expected. Then, the doctor can in.

"Coiny, what seems to be the problem here?" He said.

"Landed wrong on a ski jump, it hurts when I try to do anything with it," he said. The doted did some more tests on Coiny.

"Okay, I'm going to go get you an X-ray." He took Coiny to get his X-ray. The results came back around 30 minutes later.

"So, it seems that Coiny has broken his tibia and fibula, we're going to have to do a closed reduction to move it back into place." Coiny gulped when he said that, I heard that closed reductions were painful. When the doctor did it, Firey held his hand the whole time. Coiny was starting to cry, he was in a lot of pain.

"All done, now I'm going to wrap it in a temporary cast, and give you some crutches, and you should be on your way." He put the cast on him,  gave him crutches, and finally headed back home. Firey dropped off me and Needle, and he drove off. We then went to my parents house, went to go pick up Spindle, and got to sleep as soon as we got home.


Dis a long chapter. Yeah, poor Coiny injured himself on a ski jump. Hopefully he'll be okay. Also wanted to get a small break from the children (don't worry, they will be back)! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did and stay tuned for the next one!

- Sunny

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