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Spindles POV

It's been a week since I came out to Oak. I hadn't come out to anyone else yet, since I was kinda nervous too. But now, it's been making me feel amazing every time Oak refers to me as a girl. She usually says stuff like "hey sista", or, "lookin cute girlfriend," just to make me feel good. I now dicided that I was ready to start socially transitioning, starting with coming out to my moms.

I knew that my moms were probably going to be supportive, since, well, it's obvious. But in the back of my mind, I still had the fear that they were going to think I was crazy. But you know what, I have to do it eventually.

I waited till night time, after the twins were already in bed, so me and my moms could be alone. I went to the couch, and saw them watching TV.

"Hey Spindle, what's up," my mama said to me.

"Hey...can I talk to you guys for a bit abut...something?"

"Of course, you can always talk to us," my mommy said.

I took a seat on the coach.

"So...you know how I always wanted to play with dollies as a kid, be the princess in the castle, and always wanted to dress up likes girl?" They both nodded.

"Well...over the past few weeks I've been thinking a lot about...my gender. Long story short, when someone referred to me as a girl on accident in a restaurant, it made me feel so happy inside. Since then, I've been presenting myself as more feminine, and it's made me feel really good about myself." I paused for a moment.

"Then it started to hit me- I never wanted to be a girl...I am one! And I will always be one!" My moms started to smile at me, and I smiled back at them.

"What I'm teying to say moms, is that...I'm transgender." Tears of joy started streaming down my face, it felt so good to get that out for a second time. I looked over at my moms to see them crying with me.

"Spindle...I'm so proud of you honey," my mommy said.

"Same here," my mama said. "Your mom and I kinda knew you were trans for a long time, but, we didn't want to slap any labels on you, so, we let you figure it out yourself."

"And it looks like you did. Now come over here and give your mama and I a hug!" I went over to them and we hugged for what felt like ages.

"And by the way, please use she and her pronouns for me from now on."

"Of course baby girl," my mama said. "I love you so much!"

The next morning, I went over to Oaks house to get ready to go to school.

"Hey Spindle, how did it go," Oak asked, referring to coming out to my moms.

"It went amazing, I'm so glad that they so supportive. This morning, they said we could all go shopping this weekend!"

"That's awesome Spindle!" We started walking to school. "So, who else are you going to come out to in the next few days? Are you ready to come out at school, or, what's your plan," Oak asked me.

"Well, I don't think I'm ready to come out at school just yet, but definitely soon. But, I do want to come out to Mettea, since she's someone I trust."

"Good idea."

After School:

"You're a girl? Wait, yeah, it was starting to get obvious at this point," Mattea said.

"Well, I'm glad you're supportive of me!"

"Spindle, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't?"

"Good point." I started to warm up when I noticed my mom in the viewing area, trying to get my attention. She starteg moving her fingers up and down. I knew what that meant, and gave her the all clear.

Needles POV

After Spindle came out to us, Pin and I came up with a code as a way to ask her "is it okay to tell this person", and she would shake her head yes or no. When Spindle was at dance, I wanted to talk to Book and Leafy about Spindle being trans, but didn't know if she would want me to do that. So, I did the code, and Spindle gave me the all clear. I turned over to Book and Leafy.

"Hey Book and Leafy, there's something I want you to know," I said to them.

"What is it," Leafy asked.

"Well, just last night, Spindle wanted to talk to Pin and I about something. Turns out, Spindle is a transgender girl!"

"Heh, not gonna lie, I kinda saw it coming," Leafy said.

"Yeah, same here," I said.

"So, I would assume Spindle is using different pronouns," Book asked.

"Yes, she/her."

"Nice. I'm so happy for Spindle, it's so great that she was able to tell you guys," Leafy said.

"Well, she was a little nervous, obviously, but I'm glad that she was able to do it. Probably half the reason that she felt a little more comfortable is because, well, me and Pin."

"Makes sense," Book said.

"However, the one thing I haven't figured out yet is how to explain all this to the twin. I mean, there 5, how am I supposed to tell them?"

"Maybe you should let Spindle talk to them about it first. If that doesn't work, maybe you could say something like "oh, the doctors though Spindle was a boy, but they made a whoopsies,"" Leafy said.

"That's a good idea, thanks," I said.

"No problem."

After dance was over, I took Spindle home.

"So I assume Book and Leafy took it well," she asked me.

"Really well, they kinda saw it coming to."

"Jeez, if I had known it was that obvious, I would have come out to evryone a lot sooner." I chuckled at her. "Also, I've been thinking about it, and I want to come out on Instagram. I know not evryone isn't going to be supportive, but I don't won't people to misgender me any more, since it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable."

"Spindle, I'm sorry about that. I know it's gonna be really hard for you when people misgender you, but remember, you can always talk to mom and I if anything is up."

"Thanks mom, I'm so glad to have you and mom in my life." That made me smile. I want to be as supportive as a can about Spindle, and I hope to do what I can to make her happy.
Two chapters in less then 24 hours, jeez, when's the last time that's happened? Whatever, I felt extra motivated to write these chapters. You guys shouldn't have to wait long for the next chapter at all, since it's about something I've experienced, so I don't have to do any research on it (yay)! So yeah, should see you soon in the next chapter!


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