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Coinys POV

"Ash, Rustie, come on, get ready for basketball practice." Rustie came running down the stairs, as Firey want and did her hair. Ash still hadn't come down yet, so I had to go find her.

"Ash, come on, we're gonna be late if you don't get down here!" Still no sign of her. I went to her room to go and look for her. I didn't find her right away, but then I saw something move in her laundry pile.

"I know you're in there Ash." I unburied her from her laundry pile. "Ash, don't you want to go the basketball practice?"


"What do you mean, I thought you liked basketball?"

"No. I don't."

"Why not?"

"It's boring. All you do is run around a stupid court with a stupid ball, there's nothing fun about it."

"Ash, there's a lot to basketball you don't know about."

"I don't care, it's to much running anyway." How am I supposed to argue with her, I mean, she's not wrong.

"Okay Ash, I'm going to go get daddy so we can have a talk." I called up Firey and he came into Ash's room with us.

"What's up, Ash," he said.

"I don't like basketball."

"Look, I get it, basketball isn't for everyone. Maybe there is another sport you will like. But how about this, you have to go to basketball until the season is over." I thought what Firey said was fair.

"Uhh, fine."

1 month later:

Coinys POV:

Today, my nephew, Fireys sisters son, had a hockey game, that just so happened to be near us, so we dicided to come. Originally, we were going to hang out with Pin and Needle and their kids, but we asked if they could come to the hockey game instead, and they said yes.

The kids were exited to head to the game, since they hadn't seen their cousin in around a year!

"Do you guys remember what team Dustin is on?" I wanted to make sure that they didn't rite do the wrong team.

"The Sharks," Rustie said.

"Good, just wanted to make sure you knew what team to route for." Dispite me wanting them to know what team to route for, I was more concerned about something else.


This is the first time we're seeing her since she came out, and I want to make sure the kids know how to address Spindle. I've been talking to the kids about it over the last few weeks, and they are starting to understand what being transgender is. They had a lot of questions to ask, some of which I couldn't answer for them. But the one thing I wanted the kids to know is what to say when discribeing Spindle to someone. So, I gave them a pop-quiz in the car.

"So, what do you guys think about Spindles dancing?" I tried to see how they would respond to that.

"Well, I think she is a good dancer," Ash said.

"I also think her dancing is really good," Rustie said. Phew, looks like they have Spindles pronouns down.

We pulled up to the rink around 20 minutes later. We went to the bleachers, and saw Pin and Needle already talking to Fireys sister and her husband.

"Aunt Kindle! Uncle Smokey!" The kids went up and gave their uncle and aunt a hug.

"Hey you two, boy did you grow up," Kindle said. She then turned to Firey. "How you doing little bro?"

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