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Pins POV

Spindle just started up preschool about a month ago. He claims that he loves it so much, which I'm glad he does, but it's just another reminder how much time flies. Needle and I have had a lot more time to run the bakery because of it though, and it is thriving!

Spindle has his Halloween party at school in a week, and we went to go get him a costume. We got to the costume store, and there were tons of costumes hanging all over the walls. There were superhero costumes, animal costumes, occupational costumes, anything you can think of. However, there was one that caught Spindles eye the most, and he wanted me to see it.

"Ma ma, Mommy, look at this!!!" He sure was eager to show us. He takes us over to the costume.

It was a princess dress.

"I love it I love it I love it!" He must have really wanted to be a princess. Since the moment Needle and I found out that Spindle was a boy, we knew we were not gonna follow any gender stereotypes. If Spindle wanted to be a princess, that was totally acceptable with us, as long as he is happy that is all that matters.

"Okay Spindle, we will get you the dress, I think its gonna look gorgeous on you," Needle said.

"I'm gonna be a beautiful princess," Spindle said. He is so cute when he is excited.

Halloween finally came, and Spindle got all dressed up in his costume. He looked so cute as we dropped him off at school, waiting to see what the other kids thought of it. He ran over to the other kids after he gave Needle and I a kiss goodbye.

After we dropped Spindle off at school, Needle and I headed to the bakery to get some work done.

"So, Needle, what do you think of this brownie," I asked her. It was a brownie decorated in lots of frosting and toppings.

"Pin, I love it as always!"

"Thanks, I love your little cookies too!"

"Oh, these? Why thank you Pin, I love them too, I worked so hard on them. But do you know what I love even more?"


She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You Piny!"

"Awe shut up Needzies."

After we were done working, we picked Spindle up from school. Spindle got into the car, and he had tears coming out of his eyes.

"Spindle, what's wrong sweetheart?" Needle asked him.

"Th-they said th-that I-I c-couldn't wear a d-dress because I-I'm a boy, a-and that only g-girls can be princesses."

"They. Said. What?" I was angry. Spindle just looked at us, tears streaming down his face.

"Spindle, I'm calling the school right now. This is not acceptable. It's Halloween, you should be allowed to wear whatever you want." She then proceeded to call the school as we drove back home.

"Hello." I hear her say. "Yeah, my son claims he was made fun of for wearing a princess dress to school, what gives." The person on the phone said some things to her that clearly made Needle upset. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'you should have known he was gonna get made fun of', the kids at that school need to learn that dress does not equal girl, alright. Thank you."

"What did they say?"

"He said that he would talk to his teacher. I just hope I NEVER have to deal on with that again."

Later that night, Spindle went trick or treating. We made sure to keep on eye on him, but he had a lot of fun. There were sometimes people who gave him nasty looks, but Needle and I gave them the 'if you even dare say something to my child, we will beat you up' look.

"Mama, look at what I got!" Spindle showed me his giant basket with candy in it.

"Wow, that's so cool buddy!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna eat it all tonight!"

"Uh, maybe not all of it."

"Some of it?"

"Yes, Spindle, just some."


We headed back home after trick or treating, and Spindle got a lot of candy. He was nice and gave some to Needle and I. Spindle went to sleep after a long day, and Needle and I watched a movie.

"Hey, Pin, are we gonna let Spindle dress up as a princess again, I don't want him getting bullied."

"What type of question is that, of course we're letting him dress up as whatever he wants, and if they don't like it, he can fake sick, call us, have us come to the school, and yell at the damn teacher to give their kids a lesson on how not to bully a kid for wearing a dress. And if the teacher doesn't want to do it, well, then I may have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"Pin...I think you're taking this a little too far." Needle seemed a little frightened by my plan.

"Oh, yeah, you're right, heh, guess it's me going into overprotective mom mode."

"Well, lets just hope we don't even have to come to that, and kids can just accept each other for who they are."

"Good point Needle. Guess we should get some sleep after we're done with this movie."

"Sounds good!"


I'm back. Wanted to give ya'll a chapter without Coiny and Firey to really focus on Pin, Needle, and Spindle. Also, let the damn kid wear a dress on Halloween without him getting bullied, its not that hard. I have a lot of plans coming up with this so stay tuned for the next chapter!

- Sunny

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