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Spindles POV

Oak and I had school today. I walked over to her house so we could walk to school together. She was ready when I got there

"Morning Spindle!"

"Morning Oak!" We gave each other a hug. We started our usual walk to school. "So, are you exited for the dance competition this weekend."

"Kinda, but I'm a little stressed out, I have like what, four numbers?" Oak started competing with me around a year ago. She still does gymnastics, but she says she likes dance better.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, if you forget your solo, you can improv really well. When I forgot my solo, I just rolled around on the floor till the music ended!"

"I'm not gonna lie Spindle, that was hilarious! I think the whole team found it so funny!"

"I know, it was kinda embarrassing though."

"Yeah, but hey, you still got 4th that day!"

"True." Oak and I got to school at sat next to each other, waiting for our teacher to come in.

"Spindle, do you know who's taking us to dance today?"

"I think my mom is, she told me that this morning."

"Oh, Okay." The teacher came in and we did some lessons. Honestly, school was kinda boring today, all we did was review some stuff for a test.

After what felt like forever, it was time for lunch. Usually, in the cafeteria, all the boys sat at the same tables, and all the girls sat at the same tables. I don't know why, but that's how it's always been. Me and Oak almost always eat at one of the girls' tables.

I always felt like I belonged with the girls better then the boys. I don't know why. I thought it was the way I dressed and what toys I liked at first, but even Plank fits in with the other boys. The girls never minded that I sat with them though.

I took a seat at the table, and waited for Oak to grab her food. My ma ma always packs me lunch, and she makes the best food. Oak finally came with her food.

"Uh, hot dog day. My least favorite lunch of the menu. You're so lucky that your mom packs your food, the food here sucks."

"I'm sorry about that, maybe I'll ask my mom if she can pack you something too. If not, I'll try to grab some of my dinner leftovers."

"At this point, I don't even care what it is that I eat, as long as it's not this."

"Fair enough." Oak and I continued to eat our lunch. Soon enough, it was time to go back to class. The rest of the day was a bit better, but still kinda boring. Eventually, the day was over.

My mom came and picked Oak and I up from school so we could go to dance.

"So guys, how was school today," my mom asked.

"It was kinda boring to be honest, Needle."

"Well, hopefully tommorow isn't so bad."

"It shouldn't be," I said. "Today was just a heavy review day."

We arrived out dance class around 10 minutes later. We got ready and went into the studio to warm up.

"Hey, what's up guys," Mettea said. She always got to class early.

"Good," Oak said, "how about you."

"Stressed, I have my first tap solo this weekend."

"Mettea, I've seen you in rehearsal, you are amazing at tap, much better then I am, you're gonna do great," I said.

"Says the guy who forgot his solo and started rolling around on the floor "improving"."

"You're still not over this, huh Mettea," I said.

"Nope, and it will probably be that way for a while. Anyway, how are you're solos going?."

"I'm doing my acro solo and a new lyrical solo. Honestly, I'm starting to like lyrical a lot," I said.

"I'm only doing my acro solo. I'm definitely an acro girl, must be a gymnast thing," Oak said.

"Makes sense," Mattea said.

Soon enough, I was beginning to rehearse my solos. I first rehearsed my acro solo. It was called Look Into my Eyes, and had a lot of my advanced tricks. My dance teacher gave me some corrections, but she said I did good overall.

After I rehearsed my solo, I went to go work on my duet with Mattea. Mattea and I usually do really well with our duets together. This duet was
a modern duet. I don't do modern often, but I really love this duet. We didn't have time today for our choreographer to watch, but he said he would see it tommorow.

After what felt like forever, dance was finally over, and my mom took Oak and I home. When I got home, my Mama said that we would be eating out for dinner. We rarely eat out, so today must have been a special occasion. I realized that I don't have school tommorow, so maybe that's why my parents took the operation it's, especially with my busy dance schedule.

We went to a place not far from our house. It was casual, but still looked nice. We all sat down and grabbed our menus. The twins wanted their usually chiken fingers and fries. I had a hard time diving what to eat, there were so many options! Eventually, I decided on the pasta with red sauce.

After we ordered, I got up to use the bathroom. I started to run over there, when I bumped into someone. They must have been coming back from the bathroom.

"Oops, sorry miss!"

I continued to walk to the bathroom when it hit me: the person who bumped into me thought I was a girl! I mean, sure, I can appear feminine, and I've grown my hair out a bit, but I don't think I look that much like a girl, do I? However I didn't feel any need to correct her for whatever reason. In fact, it almost felt good when she called me that. It's like she filled something that was missing in my life this whole time.

Whatever, I was probably just over thinking. I went to the bathroom, but for some reason, I kept smiling at the fact that that lady thought I was a girl.

Why did it feel so amazing! Uhh, this is so stupid!

I went back to the table.

"Spindle, what's with all the smiles," my mommy said. She must have noticed my change in mood.

"Oh nothing, just exited for the competition this weekend," I said to her.

"Well, I'm glad, you looked great in rehearsal," she said.

We got our food and ate. I enjoyed mine a lot. After a bit, we all went home.

No matter what I did the rest of the night, I always circled back to the one lady at the restaurant. It was something so small, yet, so impactful. For the longest time, I always was used to being called a boy, but after that incident, it almost made me feel, I don't know, icky, to think about.

But it's not like I can change that, can I?

Hello. Sorry for not uploading more, I've just been busy with other things. I'm hoping to get back in the grove soon, since I'm really exited to write some upcoming chapters! Gonna leave you all with that, and stay tinned for the next chapter!


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