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Needles POV

I was around 20 weeks into my pregnancy. I felt a lot better then I did earlier on, and I was able to smell things without it making me want to puke. Recently, my stomach grew a little bump. The baby was also starting to move alot- they were quite active. Of course the baby was most active a night when I'm trying to sleep, its hard to sleep when there is child moving around in my belly. Thankfully, Pin's been by my side throughout all of this, and has been the best wife ever.

Today, we were heading to my 20 week ultrasound. I was a little nervous, but Pin reassured me and told me that she would be there the whole time. We checked in and waited for the doctor. Pin was going to say something to me.

"So, if we can find out, do you want to know the sex of the baby?" She said.

"Oh my, didn't even think about that. I mean, I'm fine either way."

"I personally think it would be nice to know, as long as it doesn't affect how we will raise them."

"So you're saying that someone would feed the baby different things based on the sex of it." I said to her, confused

"No no no, I mean, like in what toys we will buy them, or how we'll decorate the nursery."

"Oh, I get it, and I totally agree with you. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the whole 'boy toys vs girl toys' thing, I mean, a toy is a toy."

"Agreed, so is that a yes for knowing the sex?"

"Now that I think if it, it would be nice to know before the baby is born." I said

"Needle" we heard some one say. Guess it's time to find out.

"Ok, you guys ready to see the baby?" The doctor asked. We both nodded with smiles on our faces. The doctor put some gel on my stomach, and moved a wand around it. We saw the baby on a screen. She kept moving the wand around, and I was able to make out a lot of the body parts.

"Everything is looking healthy." the doctor said. At this point, a sigh of relief came from the two of us. "Would you two like to know the sex."

"Yes" we said in unison. The doctor moved the wand around more to triple check.

"Congrats, you guys are having a boy."

Pin and I looked at each other, and tears started to form into our eyes.

"Hey, is everything okay?" the doctor asked us.

"Sorry about that, this is our first, we're having lots of emotions about this right now" Pin said.

"We'll, I'm sure you two are going to make great parents." The doctor said.

"Thank you" we said in unison.

After we left the doctors, we were headed to the boardwalk to catch up with Coiny. We haven't seen him in person since the wedding. We went to the spot where we always meet up and there he was.

"Hey, long time no see girls!"

"Hey Coins, whats up" Pin asked him

"Nothing much, just been doing some work around the house. How about you guys."

"Needle and I just came back from an ultrasound appointment. Thankfully everything was healthy,"

"That's nice to hear. Needle, how have you been holding up with all of this."

"Good, the first month or two was rough, but thankfully I've gotten a lot better since then. As far as the baby goes, he's been moving around in my stomach a lot, kinda gets annoying after a while."

"I could only imagine. Also, did you say 'he'" Coiny asked. Almost forgot to tell him.

"Yeah, just found out we're having a boy." I said

"Oh, that's nice. So what do you two want to do?"

"Maybe just walk around a bit, obviously we cant go on the roller coaster this time around."

"Oh, how about we head to the arcade." Pin suggested.


"Uh, guys, that may not be a great idea" I said to them, gesturing at my stomach.

"Oh my, you're totally right, how inconsiderate of me. We'll just buy our own tokens then."

After we bought the tokens, I immediately went to go watch Coiny play Jumpin Jackpot. It's a game where a light travels around in a circle, and when it's about to hit your feet, you have to jump over it. I get enough entertainment watching Coiny play this game.

Coiny won after 3 tries, and then I headed over to the stacker machine. I won around 90 tickets playing that game, nice. Pin won the mega jackpot of around 10,000 tickets in the ticket claw machine. That lucky girl.

After we got our prizes, Needle and I said goodbye to Coiny, and headed back home. 


I love the trio so much. I hope you guys enjoy reading this book, I have a lot planned for it coming up!

- Sunny

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