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Spindles POV:

"You got a kitty," Oak said, as we were walking home from school.

"Yeah, my moms found him when they were coming home from work. They tried to keep it a secret from us by keeping him in the laundry room, but Thimbie opened the door and let him out!"

"That's crazy! How is he doing health wise?"

"Good, aside from a small scratch on his head, which is almost healed."

"I'm really exited to meet him."

"I know, he is so cute." We got to my house and the kitten came running towards us."

"Oak, meet Moe!"

"Awe, Moe is so cute! I wish I had a cat."

"Well, Moe is always up for visitors, he hates being alone. Sometimes he'll sit by the window until he sees us, kinda like a dog."

"Do you know if he has a favorite?"

"Oh, my mama, for sure. He always follows her throughout the house, sometimes it annoys her to the point where she asks one of us to go play with him. She still loves him a ton though."

"Meow." Moe started to headbut Oak and I.

"You're so cute Moe, yes you are," I said, as I went down to pet him. I scooped him him in my arms and Oak pet him, making him purr.

"Awe, he likes me," Oak said.

"He sure does." I put him down. "Wanna head up to my room?"

"Sure." We headed up to my room and sat on my bed.

"So, you exited for the competition season?"

"Definitely, I have some good numbers. I have two solos, one tap and one lyrical, a duet with Mettea, and another duet with Jace, plus the groups.

"Cool, Spindle, did Iever tell you that I'm doing a duet with Mettea?"

"No, what style is it."

"It's Jazz, and it really fun,"

"That's cool, my duet with her is modern. I wish I had a jazz duet with her."

"Says the one doing a ballet duet with Jace!"

"Oh whatever, it's not that cool."

"Spindle, you two are some of the best ballerinas we have, it's has to be awesome!"

"It's hard, I have to do a lot of partner work with him."

"Listen, I would do anything to get a duet with Jace, consider yourself lucky."

"If you say so." Oak and I chatted some more.

"Wow, you have a lot of pictures in here." It was true, I always kept a lot of pictures in my room, it's nice to see them once in a while.

"Awe, look at this one." Oak took a picture off the wall and showed it to me.

It was of me and her when we were little, around 7 years old. We were at Oaks house, playing with little dolls, both of us in princess dresses.

"It's crazy how far we've come since then," I said.

"I know, it feels like it was just yesterday." When I was looking at myself in the photo, it was kind of bitter sweet. Sure, I had so many memories back then, but they were all before I was really able to express myself. I didn't notice I was crying till Oak noticed me.

"Hey...everything okay Spindle?"


"Explain 'Kinda' to me."

"It's just.. kinda weird to see me before I transitioned. I feel like I thought I could just get away with pretending to be this boy, when I'm clearly not."

"Hey, I get it, it'll this is making you uncomfortable then I can put it back."

"No, you don't have to. It also reminds me how good of friends we are. You were the first person I ever came out to, and you were just so supportive through the whole thing." I wanted to say more, but I couldn't get anything past my tears:

"Spindle... I feel so honored. I'm so glad yiu think I'm that good of a friend."

"Almost too good of ones. I don't know what I would have ever done if you weren't supportive of me, how will I ever pay you back for all you've done to me?"

"Yih don't need to pay me back, I'm just so glad that you're happy."

"I know, but I feel like I need to pay you back somehow."

"Well, who knows, maybe I'll need just as much support as you needed at some point in my life. But for now, I'm just so glad to have you in my life Spindle."

"I'm so glad to have you to Oak." We gave each other a hug which lasted around a minute.

"I gotta go Spindle, my mom wanted me home around now, see you tomorrow."

"Bye!" I'm so glad to have a friend like Oak, and I hope I get to pay her back for all she's done to me.


Phew, nice to have this done, even if it is late. I love Oak and Spindle a lot if you couldn't tell already. Also it took me way longer then it should of to think of a name for the cat. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and Ill see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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