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Pins POV

The four of us came home from the hospital 3 days later. When I stepped in the door, I was getting bombarded with questions from my parents.

"Pin, honey, I'm so glad you're okay, what was it like to have to give birth like that," my mom asked, as she gave me a hug.

"Well, it was obviously very scary mom," I said, " it all happened so fast. One moment I was in the restaurant, then I'm going into labor, then I'm being told that I have to give birth. Thankfully, I had Needle by my side the entire time, and that made this scary experience a little bit easier." Needle smiled when I said that.

"Trust me," Needle said, "I was extremely scared for you, I just knew I had to remain calm so the birth would go as smooth as possible. I have to give a lot of credit to the peramics though, they really helped everyone when we were in the ambulance."

"Well I'm glad to hear that everyone made it through this okay," my dad said. "On another note, can we all see the babies?"

"Sure," I took Alfie and Thimbie out of their carry cases. As I was doing so, Spindle came down the stairs, and was so exited to see the twins, "Mom, Dad, Spindle, meet Alfie and Thimbie," I gave my parents one of them. It was so cute watching them got to hold their grandchildren.

"Can I hold my little brothers," Spindle asked.

"Of course you can," Needle said. Spindle sat down on the couch, and Needle handed little Alfie to him.

"Hi Alfie, I'm your big brother, Spindle! We're going to have so much fun playing with dolls together when you're older." I love how the first thing he wanted to do with him was play with dolls, Spinlde loves to play with dolls a lot. After he held him for a bit, I took Alfie from him and gave him Thimbie. "Hello Thimbie, I'm Spindle, you're big brother, we're gonna have so much fun-" Spindle was cut of by Thimbie crying. I took a hold of him and started rocking him.

"Shh, it's okay Thimbie, Ma Ma's here," I said to him, trying to calm him down. Needle then prepared a bottle for him and gave it to me to feed him. He immediately calmed down.

"Ma Ma, can I feed him," Spindle asked.

"You know what, sure, here, make sure to hold him like this," I showed him how to hold Thimbie and gave him to Spindle. It was clear that Thimbie enjoyed Spindles presence, it was clear that they were going to be great brothers.

My parents left two days later, leaving Needle and I to take care of all three kids alone. It could be stressful at times, but in the end, it all worked out. Spindle has also been a big helper in the house, he feeds the twins all the time, and it gives Needle and I a break. Sometimes, Needle ad I get a lack of sleep due to the twins waking up in the middle of the night. Like Firey and Coiny said, once one baby wakes up, the other will too, so both of us have to help the twins back to sleep in the middle of the night. In the end, it was worth it to see their cute little faces. Spindle was watching Alfie on the baby swing and singing to him, it was adorable.

"Hello Alfie, I love you so much, I will sing to you all day, and I don't care what anybody says," Spindle sang to him. I saw a little smile form on Aflies face.

"Awe, Spindle, you're such a sweet big brother, I love how you sing to him," I said.

"Thanks Ma Ma, do you know where Thimbie is?"

"I think mommy is putting him down for a nap, and I think she is coming to get Alfie now." Right as I said that, Needle walked in the room.

"Hello guys, I have to put little Alfie down for a nap."

"Mommy, can I sing to him to sleep, I've been doing it when he is on the swing," he asked Needle.

"Of course, Spindle, he loves it when you do that," she said.

"Yay!" Spindle followed Needle into the bedroom, and they came out around five minutes later.

"Spindle, did you sing to Aflie some more?"

"Yeah, he went right to sleep," he said.

"I don't know Pin, I think we have a future singer here," Needle said to me.

"We will have to see about that, but you never know!" It has been so much fun watching Spindle be a big brother, and I hope they all make some great memories when they get older. 


Not my best chapter lol, but hey, its fine. so yeah, Spindle being the best big brother ever is always cute to see! I have an, well, all call it an interesting plot for next chapter (with a little surprise) so yeah, stay tuned!

- Sunny

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