Middle School

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Oaks POV

Today was the first day of middle school. I was kinda nervous, I mean, you have to have so many different classes. But hopefully, it's gonna be fun. I even got the same home room as Spindle! Speaking of which, I waited for her to come over to my house, until she finally did.

"Oak, ready for School?"

"You bet, let's go." We talked a bunch about all the rumors we heard about middle school.

"I'm really exited to actually get to roam in the hallways without standing in a line," Spindle said.

"Oh yeah, and I hear that we get our own lockers," I said.

"Man am I exited," Spindle said. We got to school and headed into our home room, which was also our first period class. We had Math, which was with Mr. Ren. He was really nice! We did a lot of just get to know you games and stuff like that. He also went over the course expectations.

"Oak, look at this, homework is 5% of our grade? Never doing homework again," Spindle said, she was sitting next to me.

"Spindle, you should still do it, or else your gonna fail."


Class was dismissed, and we quickly headed over to English. We got there in time thankfully. You have to be fast to make all your classes.

The teacher assigned us seats, and to our luck, we sat right next to each other!

"I suck at English," Spjndle said.

"Oh you'll do fine, you should see my math."

"By the way, are you going to ballet class today?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I know a lot of people skip it."

"Well, my ballet sucks, you're like the best ballerina in the studio Spindle."

"What, no I'm not!"

"Well, you are darn close."

English class ended, and we had a 15 minute break. We went outside. It was quiet, on one else really was around.

"I don't know about you Spindle, but I think this is going to be a good school year! We have two classes together, and we get to sit with eachother!"

"I know, I'm really exited!"

Spindle and I sat and chatted for the rest of break. When we were about to leave for class, a group of these boys came up to us.

"Hey, are you Spindle," one of them asked.

"Yeah..." she said.

"You're the transgender one, right," another one asked. I started to get bad vibes from these boys.

"And why does that matter to you," I asked. I looked over at Spindle and saw that she was very uncomfortable.

"Look guys, we got to go," Spindle said.

"Wait! Can we just do one more thing before you go-"

"NO! Come on Spindle!" That's when one of them grabbed Spindle and held on to her.

"You're not gonna go anywhere, transie, not until we know."

"Know what," Spindle said, shaking.

"Till we know what's down there."

"HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER, THATS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I Spindle and I tried make them let go, but it didn't work.

"Oh yeah, we'll see about that." Then, one of the other boys grabbed into her shoulders, and kicked her, right in her genitals. She then held her lower area in excruciating pain.

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