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Needles POV

Thimbie is now recovered from his appendicitis, and it's like nothing ever happened, other then the scars on his stomach. Spindle had been doing really well in the third grade, but right now, he has his thanksgiving break. For thanksgiving, we're going to spend it in Florida, to be with my parents.

We checked into the hotel, and evryone was really exited.

"Woah, look how high we are," Spindle said. I looked out the window, and he was right, it was quite the view.

After we finished unpacking, we dicided to take the kids to the pool. We got on their swimsuits and headed over there. The pool was midium sized, and went as deep as around 10 feet in the deep end. We also noticed a sign saying that the pool was unlifegarded. Pin and I always keep an eye on the kids when they swim, of course, but we knew this time, we had to be really careful, especially with the twins, since they aren't strong swimmers.

After we applied suncreen to the kids, Pin blew up floaties for the twins. Once evryone was ready, the five of us all got in the pool. The kids really enjoy the water, especially Alfie. Alfie was always splashing when he was in the pool. As we were swimming, Alfie splashed water right into my eye.

"Alfie, try not to splash at me," I said.

"Okay mommy." Spindle was showing Pin and I his little tricks in the pool. He was doing flips, handstands, just about every trick he could do.

"Very, nice, Spindle," Pin siad.

"Why thank you ma ma." Thimbie and Alfie liked to swim over to us with their floaties on. Right now, Thimbie was using his little arms and legs to swim over to me, and sure enough, he did.

"Look mommy, I did it," Thimbie said.

"I know, you're getting a lot better at swimming!" Alfie then started swimming to Pin, and Pin was congratulating him once he got over to her.

"Looks like the little ones are going to start learning how to swim without floaties soon," Pin said.

"I know, these kids grow up way too fast." After a bit of Splashing and playing in the pool, it was time for us to get out.

"Mommy, I don't want to get out," Alfie said.

"I know Alfie, but it's time to go back to the room. We will got swimming tommorow, I promise."

"Fine." Hw still didn't seem very happy about it.

We dried the kids off with towels, and took off Alfie and Thinbies floaties. We packed up the beach bag and we're ready to head out.

"Needle," Pin said to me.


"Where's Alfie?" I looked around me, and couldn't find him. I started to panic, I had no idea where he could have run off to. Then, I looked in the pool, and saw him. He was all the way down in the deep end, struggling to keep his head anove water.


"What-" then she saw him. She started to scream. "HE CANT SWIM! HE CANT SWIM!"

All the sudden, we see a young lady jump out of her chair and into the water, and grabbed Alfie. She immediately got him out of the pool. When she got out, she carried him over to us. When we saw him, he was crying.

"Don't worry, he's okay, just startled." Pin took him from her arms and held him. I gave the lady a hug and stared crying.

"Thank you so much, you saved our baby, he could have drowned! You are a hero!"

"Thanks for the complement, but I don't consider myself a hero. All I wanted to do was get the little guy out of there as soon as possible," she said.

"I can't thank you enough, how can I ever repay you!"

"You don't need to repay me. All that matters is that he is safe and sound." After a bit, Pin gave me Alfie, and gave the lady a hug. Thimbie was still shaken up.

"Mommy, why was the water so tall?"

"So that people can jump in without reaching the bottom. But, you are too little to jump in water so deep."

"I didn't know it was so deep."

"I know, this is why ma ma and I go swimming with you!"

"I'm sorry mommy." He felt so bad.

"It's okay Alfie, but we're going to have a talk in the room about what we do when we want to swim." After a bit of easing our nerves and continuing to thank the amazing young lady that saved Alfies life, we all headed back to the hotel room. It was then we got evryone in the living room to have a talk about swim safety.

"Okay, so as we all know, Alfie almost drowned in the pool today, so you're ma ma and I though that we needed to go over our swim safety rules." They all nooded.

"Rule number one, we never go in the pool without asking me or mommy," Pin said.

"Number two, this doesn't apply to Spindle, but you two little ones must have you're floaties on at all times in the water until you learn how to swim," I said.

"And number three, when swim time is over, listen to me and mommy and get out of the pool. And do not go back in. Understood?"

"Yes," the kids said.

"Good, I don't want to see anything like that happen again. Ma ma and I love you all, so these rules are just to keep you safe."

"I will always follow the swim rules to make sure that I stay safe," Alfie said.

"That's nice to hear Alfie. Now kids, go get your clothes on and get ready for dinner," Pin said. They all went to their rooms and got changed. "Boy, I sure didn't win mom of the year award."

"Pin, don't blame this on you."

"Yeah, I know we talked to the kids, but there so fast and little, I need to learn to keep and eye on them."

"I also needed to watch out for him, it wasn't just you."

"Yeah, but still. We almost lost Alfie, Needle, I need to take care of him as a mother."

"Pin, I think we all need to be more careful, the kids included. For now, I'm just glad Alfies okay."

"You're right, I think this is just a learning experience for evryone." I know that nobody's perfect, but what happened to Alfie today was extremely scary. I hope that the family can all take something from this, and make sure that something like this never happens again.
Hello. So yeah, this chapter was a bit of an adventure. Poor Alfie though. I hope to keep my chapters about this length from now on. For now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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