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Pins POV

Ever since Spindle came out, we've tried to be as supportive and caring as we can. Since she now has come out to everyone at school via social media, she's been getting very mixed responses.

Some days she comes home with a giant smile on her face. She tells us how supportive people are, and they've been making sure evryone uses the right pronouns on her.

But other days, it can be rough for her, like, really rough. She sometimes says that there are kids purposely misgendering her, which makes her really uncomfortable, but thankfully, she says that having Oak always makes her feel better. However, sometimes, some people bring up her...genitalia, and it's hard for her to calm down after that. Sometimes, Needle and I have to pick her up from school because its so bad. She can cry about it for hours, and no matter what Needle and I do, it takes a while for her to recover.

The one thing that Spindle can count on to make her happy is dance. No matter how good or how bad of a day she had, she always felt welcome at dance. Her dance studio even fired a teacher who was being transphobic, which made Spindle a lot more comfortable.

Today, Leafy took Spindle to dance, so so wasn't coming home until around 8. In the meantime, the twins were fighting over another toy.

"But Alfie, I had it first!"

"Well, you weren't playing with it, so I got to use it."

"But it isn't fair!" Thimbie was trying to take the toy away from Alfie, and the two kept pulling on it and yelling at eachother. Eventually, I had enough, and went to intervine. I went on to them and snatched the toy from both of them.

"Hey, give it back," Thimbie said.

"Well, it seems like you two don't know how to share, so if you keep fighting, the. I'm gonna have to break it."

"No, please, I promise that Thimbie and I will stop fighting."

"Okay, but this is your last warning." They didn't fight after that. Thank you for the trick Coiny.

Spindle came home around an hour later, and with a huge smile on her face.

"What's with the smile Spindle," I asked her.

"So, long story short, Mattea, Oak, and I are preforming a trio this weekend!"

"SHUT UP!" Needle came running across the room and gave her a hug.

"But there is one catch, Mattea and I aren't performing our solos since we have the tap group, Oak is still preforming hers though."

"I don't care," Needle said. "Ahh, I'm so exited!"

"Is this a trio you've wanted for a while," I asked. Im not too involved in Spindles dance life.

"For years! And, bonus, Im the lead!"

"Spindle, this is so cool," Needle said. "So what style is it in?"

"Im keeping it a surprise. And mama, you don't want to miss it. I know you've were thinking about coming to my competition this weekend, and now I think you have to!" I don't come to Spindles dance often, since I usually am the one to watch the twins, but now I think they are getting old enough to deal with the crazy day.

"Don't worry Spindle, I'll do everything I can to make sure I can go!"

"Thanks mom!" She went and gave me a big hug.

"No problem sweetie!"

At the competition:

Needles POV

Spindle had kept her trio a secret from me all week, and it just makes me more and more curious as to what it's about. Thankfully, Pin was able to come, and so were the twins. Pin and the twins looked exhausted when we were there.

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