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Needles POV

Pin and I were walking home from the bakery so we could get home before the kids.

"Glad we finally got that giant cake done, that was so hard," Pin said.

"I know, but hopefully it was worth it," I said. "It looked amazing, thanks to you."

"Aww, Needle, stop it!" ThenI saw Pin stop walking.

"What," I asked her.

"Did you hear that?"

"No."  She talked about hearing a sound around this point when we we're going to work, but I didn't think anything of it.

"Listen." We stood there in silence for 39 seconds. Then I heard it.


"Okay Pin, now I hear it."

"I wonder where it's coming from."

"Pin, let's just go home."

"No, I need to know what this is."


"You can go home Needle, but I'm gonna find this animal, those meows sound like meows of pain."

I started to feel a little bad for whatever that poor animal was.

"Fine, I'll stay."


"I think it's coming from over here." Pin and I followed the meows. Pin then looked under some cars.

"Needle, look, I found it!"

I went to where Pin was and looked under the car. I then saw a white kitten with some black spots on it. The kitten gave another meow.

"Look at it, Needle, it looks so scared!" She was right, the kitten looked terrified.

"What should we do," I asked.

"We need to get it out of there." Pin started getting closer. "Here kitty kitty, come to me, it's okay." Surprisingly, the kitten slowly started walking towards us.

"It's okay kitten, you're gonna be okay," I said to it.

The kitten finally came out from under the car. Pin scooped up the kitten, and we immediately noticed that it was in awful condition. It looked extremely malnourished and had a giant scrape near its eye. It also looked extremely dirty and was very sick.

"Oh my gosh, this poor thing. Needle we have to take..." she looked at the kitten more, "him home."

"Pin, how are we going to have a cat in the house."

"Well, it either that or we leave it here."

"Fine, we'll take the cat home." We took him to the house, and placed him on a towel in the kitchen.

"Needle, go get the kitchen scale."


"To weigh him of course!" I went and got the scale. "2.5 pounds."

"What does that mean."

"I looked it up, a cat like him should be weighing 3 pounds. Needle, could you watch him while I make a trip to the pet store to get formula?"

"Sure." Pin left, leaving just me and the cat. I went over to the cat and held him. The poor thing felt so cold, who knows how long he was there for.

"Hey buddy, it's okay, I'll keep you warm." I got a small blanket and swaddled him in it while holding him some more. He started to close his eyes for a bit and fell asleep. It was adorable!

A few minutes later, the kids came home from school. I didn't want them to know about this right away, so they don't get the wrong idea. Luckily, I had already thought of a plan.

"Hey mom, what are you holding," Thimbie asked.

"Nothing you should worry about, here, go play some card games you three." I handed them the deck of cards, hopefully that should keep them busy.

I kept holding the kitty until he eventually woke up.

"Hello buddy, hope you had a good nap, mama should be home with some food soon."

Pin came around 10 minutes later, holding a bag full of stuff.

"Awe, looks like you two got to spend some time together," Pin said.

"He sure is one cute," I said.

"So I was able to talk to someone at the pet store about what we should do, so I got all the stuff we need." Pin dumped out the stuff that was in the bag.

"Here is the formula, I'll go prepare it, you go make sure the kitten is ready," Pin said.

I unwrapped the kitten from the blanket, and placed him down on the counter. He started moving around a bit, but I made sure to keep him under control.

"You almost done Pin?"

"Yeah, here it is."  She held the bottle and was able to feed it to the cat.

"Is he getting it?"

"Yeah, I see him latching on to the bottle, he is being us a good boy. Needle, go feel his stomach for me."

"Okay." I went over to his stomach and but my hand under it. "Oh my."


"I can literally feel the formula entering his stomach, this guy must have been so hungry."

"I know, but it's good that he's digesting the food properly."

He eventually finished up with the bottle.

"Okay," Pin said," now we have to deal with that wound on his head." She got some ointment from the pile of stuff.

"Here, try to hold him down while I get this on," Pin said.

"Pin, did you become the vet while you were gone?"

"Please, I hardly know anything, we should take him in sometime this week though."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Pin put on the ointment, and the kitten let out another meow.

"It's okay buddy, you're gonna be all better soon, I promise," Pin said to him.

"So Pin, how do we tell the kids?"

"We don't, we can just keep him in the laundry room, I know they would go nuts of they found out we had a cat."


The kitten started coming up to me and started rubbing my finger with his head, letting out a little purr.

"Awe, Needle, I think he likes you."

"I know, maybe we will end up keeping him, I feel like our family needs a cat like him."

"You read my mind, Needle."

We ended up moving the cat into the laundry room, where he explored every nook and cranny it had to offer.

"Looks like that will keep him entertained there rest of the night," I said.

"Yeah, just remember to feed him latter."

"Will do." I didn't think bringing a cat into the house was a good idea at first, but now, I think this could be amazing for the family.
I love this chapter a lot, man has it been a while since I said that. Also horray me for getting this out on time! I love cats, I even have two do my own. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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