Sick Twins

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Needles POV

Spindle hasn't been getting bullied by plank anymore, which is a huge relief. In fact, Spindle even says they play with dolls together once in a while, which I find nice. Today, Spindle and I were going to have lunch with Firey and Coinys family. Unfortunately, Alfie and Thimbie got sick, so Pin stayed home with them. We made the reservation long in advance, so we couldn't cancel it. I drove us to the restaurant and met up with them there.

"Hey guys, how has it been," Firey asked us.

"Good, nothing much." I replied.

"Sorry that Pin and your twins couldn't make it," Coiny said.

"Uncle Coiny!" Spindle screamed.

"Hey Spindle, how's it been?"

"Good, Plank no longer bullies me!"

"Wait, Plank, as in, Plank Building, as in, Blockys son?"

"Yeah, luckily he and his wife talk some sense into him, and now they play together sometimes." I said.

"That's nice," Firey said.

"Say, how are Ash and Rustie?"

"Auntie Needle! We learned basketball, Ash screamed.

"Basketball, that's so cool!" Spindle said.

"Yeah, and I learned how to dribble the ball!" Rustie said.

"Yeah, sometimes you throw the ball in the house, and maybe break some flower vases too!" Coiny said. I chuckled when he said that.

The waiter came up to us and took our orders. Spindle and the twins played with the kids menus while Coiny, Firey, and I chatted.

"So, is Spindle still dancing?" Coiny asked.

"He is! He's been learning a lot of moves very quickly, he can even do some acro tricks!"

"Wow, that's impressive for an eight-year-old," Firey said. "Do you know if he will ever get into competitive dance?"

"Funny you bring that up, his teacher thought about putting him on a competition team in the next year or two, so he has already been training for it."

"Really, that's so cool!" Coiny said.

"Yeah, he really enjoys it," I said.

"Mommy, look!" Spindle showed me the picture he colored and that was on the kids menu.

"Spindle, I love it, did Ash and Rustie make any?" I asked.

"Yeah!" They screamed. They held up their pictures to my face.

"Girls, not too close to my face." They apologized and move the pictures so that I could see them. Nice work you two!"

The food came, and we ate it.

"Mmmm, that may have been some of the best food I've ever had," Firey said. I then felt my phone vibrate, it was a text from Pin.

Pin: hey, could you come home soon? The twins fevers are getting a bit high, and I would like an extra set of hands.

I texted her back.

Me: Oh my, coming soon!

I told Firey and Coiny that we had to go, and I drove spindle and I back home. When I opened the door, I saw Alfie run over to me and he gave me a big hug.

"Mommy, ow," he said, crying. It hurts so much to see him so sick.

"Oh, I'm sorry buddy, what hurts?" Alfie pointed to his head. I went and grabbed a thermometer and checked his temperature. It was 102.5.

"Oh, yeah, that's kinda high."

"How high is he," Pin said, and she came over holding Thimbie.

"102.5" I said.

"Phew, he went down a little, he was 103 before."

"Wow, that's high," I said.

"How high is he?" I said, pointing to Thimbie.

"Let me check." Pin took the thermometer and took Thimbies temperature. When she read it, she looked at it in shock.

"What is it Pin," I asked her, worried.

"104.2," she said.

"Oh dear, do you think we should call the doctors?"

"Good idea, needle." She was on the phone with the doctors for a good five minutes before she hung up.

"What did they say?"

"They said to monitor it, and if it doesn't go away before 7 PM to take them in."

"OK". In the meantime, we put on a movie for the kids to watch while Pin headed out to the bakery to prepare some orders. After around an hour I checked the twins' temperatures. Thankfully, they went down a lot, so we didn't need to take them to the doctor. Pin came home, and she brought home some ingredients for her chicken noodle soup. Pin made the soup while I played with the kids.

"Mommy, watch this!" Spindle showed me his cartwheel.

"Very nice, spindle."

"And this." He did a little turn.

"You're a great dancer spindle!"

"Thanks, mom!"

"Guys, dinner!" Pin shouted. We all went upstairs and had chicken noodle soup. That's soup will always be my favorite soup ever.

As nighttime approached, we realized we had to give the twins their medicine, which was never fun. First up was Thimbie. We got the medicine into the syringe. Pin held him while I got the syringe into his mouth. I pushed down on it. Luckily, Thimbie didn't spit it out, although he did make a face at us.

"Sorry then be, but this is going to make you feel better."

Next up with Alfie, and he could be a tough one to feed. Alfie must've heard us feed Thimbie, because Pin had to chase him around the house to hold him. She managed to get him, and we managed to feed him the medicine. We then got everyone ready for bed and put them to sleep.

(When I originally uploaded this chapter it had so many typos, text-to-speech was not having a good day!)

Eh, not my favorite chapter, but its still okay. I have nothing else to say here, so see you next chapter!

- Sunny

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