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Needles POV

It's been a month since the ski trip. The two of us have been hanging out with Spindle a lot, and we were going to enrol him in preschool in the fall. Today, we gave him some non-toxic watercolors so he could make some pictures.

"Look Mommy, I drew you!" It was a little face with arms and legs sticking out of it. It was cute though.

"Spindi, I love it!" He then showed me another painting.

"Thats me, you, and Ma Ma all at the park." It was the faces with the arms and legs, all standing on the grass.

"Awe, Spindle, you know I always love seeing your artwork!" Then, Pin came in the door, she just went grocery shopping.

"Hey you two, what did you do when I was at the store?"

"I painted you, Mommy, and me at the park!" He showed Pin the picture.

"Look at you, I love this!" Pin said. She then went up to me. "Hey Needle, so Firey just texted me."

"Oh, what for?"

"He said that Coiny is not taking his ijury well. Not so much the injury itself, but more about the limitations he has with it."

"Like what?"

"Well, Firey calims that Coiny feels bad for not beong able to help out with the twins as much, and that he thinks he is being a disappointment to them."

"Aww, I feel bad, it was an accident, he shouldn't have to feel so bad about it."

"Firey actually suggested we come over later to cheer him up, which is why..." She took out some stuff from the grocery bags" "...we should make him a 'Get Well Soon' cake to try to cheer him up!"

"Oh, good idea, we should start making it soon," I said.

"CAN I HELP," Spindle shouted from across the room

"Yes Spindle, you can help," Pin said.

"YAY!" So we made the cake, and let Spindle pour in some of the ingredients. The three of us headed on over to Coiny and Fireys' house, and knocked on the door. Firey let us in, holding the twins.

"Coiny, you have some visitors," Firey said. Coiny came across the room on his crutches, wearing a light blue cast that was around most of his right leg.

"Oh, hey girls," Coiny said, in the most unenthusiastic tone ever. I have never seen him this sad for as long as I've known him, he was almost always a happy person.

"Coiny, whats up, this isn't like you," I said to him, concerned.

"Uh, I'm such a disappointment," he said.

"What do you mean," Pin asked him.

"I'm a disappointment of a father. I'm supposed to be taking care of the girls, changing their diapers, feeding them, caring them across the house, and more. But, with this stupid injury, its so much harder to be able to do those things. Now Firey has to do a lot of the work with them, plus take care of me. What am I supposed to tell them when I get older, 'oh when you were three months old, your da da went on a stupid ski trip and hurt himself, so daddy had to change all your diapers.' I'm never gonna forgive myself."

"Coiny, you aren't a failure," I said. "This whole thing was just one bad accident. Sure it might be harder to do some things with the twins, but there are still so many things you can do!"

"Like what?"

"Playing with them on the floor, feeding them their bottles, singing them to sleep. Plus, you are so lucky to have an amazing husband to help you out."

"Yeah," Firey said. "I mean, you were then one who noticed when Rustie wasn't breathing right. In that moment, I felt like a failure for not noticing that, you literally saved her life."

"Plus, you love your children so much, and in my opinion, if you do what you can to help with them, even with your injury, that's what really matters," Pin said. She then held little Rustie in her arms. "You saved me life, da da," She said in a little baby voice. Coiny then started to cry.

"Girls, what would I do without you," he said. Pin and Firey handed the twins over to Coiny, as he held them. "You two are so cute, and I am so honored that I get to be your da da." Then, they started to cry. Firey prepared two bottles, and Coiny feed them each a bottle while singing to them, it was adorable!

"Oh, we also made you something Coiny," I said to him, as I pulled out the cake we made.

"I ALSO HELPED," Spindle said, Coiny started laughing. "I hope your boo boo gets better Uncle Coiny!"

"Thanks, Spindle, and thanks again, girls. Now who wants to help me eat this cake?" We all sat down at the table and ate the cake, it was so nice to see Coiny happy again. We even gave Ash and Rustie a little piece of cake to see what they would do with it. Rustie wasn't that interested, but Ash wanted it. Coiny made sure to feed Ash little pieces so she didn't choke on them, and it was so nice to see Coiny help her.

After we ate, we all played with some toys on the floor. Spindle showed Ash and Rustie how to play with building blocks, and the twins laughed at all the funny faces Spidle made. I can tell that they will all be great friends when they are older.

After we played, Spindle, Pin, and I headed home. I'm so glad we got to make Coiny's day. 


Hey ya'll, sorry for no chapter yesterday. On the other hand, happy pride month, maybe I'll make some art of everyone when I get around to it. But until then, enjoy this chapter!

- Sunny

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