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Pins POV

Thimbie got a stomach bug. We've been trying to keep Spindle and Alfie away from him so they don't get sick, which has been hard, since the kids love playing with each other. Thimbie was on the couch watching TV, when he got the bowl next to him and threw up.

"Ma Ma, I'm sorry that I keep throwing up." I feel so bad for Thimbie.

"Sweetheart, it's okay, it's not like you can do anything about it." After a bit, Spindle and Alfie played building blocks with each other. Usually, Thimbie would immediately go and join them, but he wasn't getting up from the couch. The poor guy must be so sick.

"Pin, how is Thimbie doing," Needle asked me.

"He's not doing so good, he keeps complaining that his stomach hurts and is constantly throwing up."

"Awe, Thimbie, I'm sorry to hear that buddy. Do you want anything?"

"Can I have snuggles," Thimbie said.

"Of course," Needle said. We both got on to the couch and watched some TV with him, while giving him lots of snuggles. Eventually, he fell asleep on the couch.

Soon enough, it was time for dinner. I went and whipped up some chicken noodle soup for Thimbie, and pasta and red sauce for the rest of us. The four of us ate our dinner.

"Pin, you did an amazing job on this!"

"Thanks Needle, I appreciate it!"

"I love Ma Mas food," Alfie said.

"It's the best food ever," Spindle said.

"Awe kiddos, I love you guys!"

I went over the where Thimbie was on the couch, and saw that he hadn't eaten a single bite of the soup.

"You didn't wasn't the soup, Thimbe?" He shook his head at me.

"My stomach still hurts."

"I'm sorry to hear that buddy, maybe you should get some sleep tonight and see how you feel in the morning."

"Okay Ma Ma." We put all the kids to bed a bit early tonight so that Thimbie could get some extra sleep. Once everyone was settled for the night, Needle and I watched some TV.

"Hey Pin, do you think we should take Thimbie into the doctors if he is still sick?"

"Definitely, I'm starting to get worried about him, I'm starting to feel like it's not just a normal stomach bug."

After a bit, Needle and I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

At around 3 in the morning, I feel someone shaking me. It was Thimbie.

"Thimbie, what do you need, honey?"

"My stomach hurts really bad," he said, crying. I immediately got out of bed.

"Okay, can you show me where it hurts?" He pointed to the lower right side of his abdomen. That's when it started to hit me: he could have appendicitis. It all started to make sense, the pain, the throw up, him not wanting to eat, everything. I started to panic, knowing what should happen if it's untreated for to long. That's when I woke Needle up.

"What," she said, in a tiring tone.

"Needle, I think Thimbie has appendicitis." Needle jolted out of bed. I think she figured it out too.

"Pin, we need to get him to the hospital, now."

"But Needle, we can't just leave the other two here!"

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