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Needles POV:

"Mommy!" Spindle came running across the room. "My tummy hurts." Oh dear.

"Ok, does anything else hurt?" I was hoping he wasn't sick.

"My head kinda hurts...uh oh," I thought he was gonna throw up. I immediately grabbed him and took him to the toilet, and he actually threw up. "Sorry Mommy," he said to me, the poor guy sounded so sick.

"It's ok," I said to him, as I went and got a thermometer and took his temperature.

"Oh yeah, 100.5, that's a fever, I'm sorry that your sick buddy, how about I give you a bath and you can rest in bed?"

"Okay Mommy."

I gave him a bath and I laid him down in bed with my computer playing some shows on it, and gave him a bowl.

"If your tummy feels icky again, let it out in here," I said, hoping I wouldn't have to deal with throw up on the sheets. I called Pin, who was at the bakery, and told her that Spindle got sick, and she went to go get some medicine for him. She also got him some orange juice and some ingredients for her chicken noddle soup. I've had Pin's chicken noddle soup before, its the best, she made it for me a lot when I was pregnant.

For Dinner, the three of us had chicken noodle soup. Spindle was feeling a bit better, and went to the dinner table to eat with us. The three of us all enjoyed the soup.

"Wow Pin, this is better than I remembered."

"Well, it's the same recipe, maybe it tastes different since you don't have Spindle in your tummy anymore."

"I was in Mommys tummy?" Spindle was confused. I forgot he is only three years old, he is one smart dude!

"Well, before you existed, you had to be in my tummy to grow all your body parts. Then, once you were ready, they took you out of me."

"Did you eat chicken noodle soup when I was in your tummy?"

"Yes I did."


"Because when you were in my tummy, I got a little sick, and my tummy felt icky. Thankfully, Mama made lots of chicken Noodle soup for me to make me feel better."

'Mama makes the best chicken noodle soup in the WORLD!" Pin started chuckling a bit.

"She sure does." After dinner, we put Spindle to bed.

The Next moring, I woke up, and didn't see Pin. Strange, I'm usually the first one up so. I was going to go to the bathroom, and then I saw her, hunched over the toilet.

"Morning Needle," She said to me. "Well, it looks like whatever Spindle had was contagious." Oh no, now I have a sick kid and a sick wife.

"Oh my, are you ok."

"I'm as ok as one can be when their sick, which means I'm not felling good, at all."

"Do you want breakfast at all, I can make you some?"

"Make me some waffles, if I can keep them down."

"Okay, I'll bring them to you." I made the waffles, and gave them to Pin. Then, Spindle got up. He still looked pretty sick.

"Morning Mommy."

"Morning Spindle, how are you feeling?"

"My tummy and head still hurt."

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that buddy. Mama's tummy and head also hurt."

"Really, did she throw up?"

"Yeah, she did, I made her waffles for breakfast, I can give the rest to you if you want some."

"I'll have them." Usually, Spindle is hyped for waffles, he must feel awful. I gave him some waffles, and he ate a little bit. All the sudden I hear Pin groaning in the bathroom. I immediately rushed over to her. She was learning over the toilet, gagging a lot. I started rubbing her back, then she threw up.

"Sorry you had to witness that."

"Pin, it's cool, besides, you witnessed a lot of throw up when I was pregnant."

"Do you think Spindle and I should go to the doctor?"

"That's a good idea, I wonder what it is."

I drove Spindle and Pin to the doctor to get them checked out. They were done an hour later and I picked them up. Turns out, they both had norovirus.

"Oh no, I heard that sucks, makes sense why Pin got it so quickly though. We went home and I started to do some laundry. Around 30 minutes later, I felt my stomach churn, then started to feel extremely nauseous. I immediately sprinted to the bathroom where Pin was, moved her out of the way, and started throwing up.

"Well, looks like we all have it now."

"Yeah," Pin said. "Oh no, we're running out of food for dinner, and all of us are sick now, what are we going to do."

"I have no clue. Oh, can I call up Coiny to see if he can get us anything?"

"That may be our best option." I called up Coiny and he answered the phone.

"Hello," he said.

"Hey Coiny," I said, in the most unenthusiastic sick voice ever.

"Are you ok Needle, you're not sounding so great.

"No," Pin said. "The three of us all have norovirus and we're running out of food, and none of us can do anything. We were wintering if you could go grocery shopping for us."

"Of course, I'll leave it all outside so you guys can bring it it."

"Coiny, what would we do without you," I said.

"It's nothing girls, you guys need to get better more then anything." Pin gave him the grocery list, and Coiny went to go get the food. He brought it back to us, and we made chicken noodle soup again. We all snuggled up with each other after dinner, and put on a movie. After the movie, we all went to bed, with throw up bowls next us. I snuggled up with Pin in bed, and the two of us drifted off to sleep.


Coiny to the rescue, hooray. Anyway, sorry for not uploading as often, I've been busy with school and finals. I should be able to make more in the next couple of weeks. Its kinda surreal to know that people are reading this, and I'm so grateful for it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

- Sunny

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