(Important) Making a Decision with this Book

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Hi y'all

First of all, thanks for getting me so close to 1k reads! I never thought people would ever read this book, but look at where we are now.

Secondly, I've been wanting to do something with this book that I've wanted to do since I got back from camp. I didn't do it at first, since it seemed like I was being lazy. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, "you know what, this is my book, and I will do whatever I want with it". So, I made my final decision. What is that decision you may ask? It may not seam like a big deal, but basically:

There is going to be a two year time skip. It might sound like me being lazy, but let me just explain. I've had several arcs planned out since I started writing this book in May. What's been hard for me was filling in the gaps. I had to think of the most random ideas to even write the last three chapters. But if I weren't to do this time skip, there would be all these filler chapters with no actual plot. I enjoy writing, but I don't want to write a bunch of garbage just to move the story along.

And just to clear things up as far as ages, in the next chapter:

- Spindle, Oak, and Mettea are going to be in 5th grade
- Ash and Rustie are going to be in 2nd grade
- Alfie and Thmbie are going to be in PreK

I hope you understand my decision. It wasn't easy to make it, but I hope you understand why I did it. I hope you guys continue to enjoy this book, and as always, I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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