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Needles POV

With Spindle starting up first grade in a few weeks, we wanted to sign him up for a sport. Pin and I thought it was a good idea for Spindle to start getting engaged in other activities besides school, and that it would be a great way for him to meet new friends, and, obviously, get some exercise. We wanted Spindle to choose what sport he wanted to do, and after looking over the options, Spindle knew what he wanted to do: he wanted to be a dancer.

Spindle was always dancing, whether it was around the house or out at the boardwalk, he always had moves to show, so it wasn't really a surprise to Pin and I when he told us that. The two of us could tell that he was exited to start the class.

"Mommy, Ma Ma, I get to be a dancer, yay yay yay!" He was running around the house, exited.

"I know Spindle," I said to him. "You love to dance, so I hope you will enjoy this class!"

"Thank you, Mommy and Ma Ma, THANK YOU," he screamed.

A couple of weeks later, Spindle had his first dance class. Pin stayed at home to watch the twins while I took him to class. Spindle was squealing the entire way to the class. When we got to the studio, the person at the front desk took him to the beginners class. I went to the viewing area, where me and a group of other parents watched the kids. A few of them seemed to know each other, but most of us were new to the studio. As I was watching the kids dance, I noticed something that shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. Spindle was the only boy in the class.

However, I didn't think about it too much. I mean, if Spindle is happy, thats all that matters to me. I went and looked over at Spindle again, and it looked like he was having the time of his life, I'm so glad he is enjoying it. After around 15 minutes, a lady came up to me.

"Hey, is your kid the one the back right," she said gesturing to Spindle.

"Yeah," I said.

"You know, I have three kids dancing here, and I know a lot about dance at this point, and just by looking at your kid, I know he is going to be special."

"What do you mean by that," I asked her.

"I can just see the passion in your sons eyes, he must love dance."

"Yup, he's been dancing around the house since he was two."

"Well, I think he was meant to be a dancer all of his life."

"Hey, thanks for saying that, it really made my day," I said to her.

"No problem, my is Book by the way," she said. "My daughter is Mattea in the front." She gestured to her daughter.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Needle, and my sons name is Spindle," I said.

"Well, I think Spindle is going to be an amazing little dancer when he grows up!" Book was really nice to me, she is definitely some one I can talk to while Spindle is in class.

After the class was over, Spindle and I headed out to the car and drove home.

"So, Spindle, how did you like dance," I asked him.

"I loved it Mommy, thank you for letting me do it, I had so much fun!"

"Well I'm glad to hear," I said. I'm so happy that he enjoys his dance class. When we got home, Spindle wanted to show Pin and I some dance moves.

"Mommy, Ma Ma, watch this!" He showed us a little combo that he learned in class.

"Spindle, I loved it," Pin said. "You're going to be a pro in no time."

"Thanks Ma Ma." All the sudden, we hear the twins start to cry.

"Well, looks like we have to change some diapers." Pin and I changed Alfie and Timbies dipers, and soon ate dinner. Today we had some pasta with red sauce.

"Yum yum, thanks for making dinner Ma Ma."

"No problem Spindle," Pin said.

After dinner, we put the kids to bed and watched some TV.

"So Needle, out of curiosity, we're their any other boys that you could tell were in the dance class," Pin asked me.

"No, Spindle was the only one, but I don't think he cared at all."

"Im glad that he is okay with it, I just want Spindle to have fun."

"Don't worry Pin, he definitely had fun."

"Did you get a chance to talk to any of the other parents?"

"I did. A lady named Book came up to me and kept talking about how special of a dancer Spindle was. She was very nice." I said.

"I'm glad to hear, and Book is definitely right, Spindle is very special," Pin replied.

"Spindle has always been a special little dude, and I hope he continues to be himself and do what he loves."


That chapter took way longer to write then it should have, sorry about that. But yeah, its out now. I'm making an announcement in the next day or so (it will be in the form of a chapter), so look out for that. For now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- Sunny

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