First Ski

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Coinys POV

For the past few months, Spindle has been begging me to go skiing with him. Once Firey and I introduced skiing to the twins, they wanted to try it out too. So, Pin and Needle decided to drop Spindle off with us, and Firey and I would teach the kids to ski.

Four hours later, we pulled up to the mountain and rented skis for everyone, which, luckily, didn't take too long. We decided to start them on the magic carpet, which is like a ramp that takes you up a very small part of the mountain.

When we got to the top, we went over some things with the kids.

"So, how do you guys stop on the mountain," Firey asked them.

"Pizza," Spindle said, as he demonstrated his skis like a pizza shape."

"Nice job Spindle," Firey said.

"Ok, so what do you do if you are out of control and can't stop," I asked them, seeing if they knew what to do.

"Fall over," Ash said.

"Good job, and what do you do if you get lost on a trail," I asked them, hoping it would never happen.

"You look for someone in a blue uniform to ask for help," Rustie said.

"Looks like you guys are experts now," Firey said. "Now who want to start skiing!"

"Yay," they all said, clearly exited. We thought them how to turn as we went down the small part of the mountain, and we also told them to stop a long the way, to make sure they could do it. They all did a great job.

"Nice job everyone," I said. "Let's try this one some more before lunch."

We went on the trail a few more times before lunch, and the kids seemed to be getting the hang of it, until we saw Ashie faceplant into the snow. Firey ran over to her.

"Hey Ashie, it's ok, sometimes when you start off, you will fall in the snow, but you will get better," Firey said to her. That seemed to cheer her up a lot. Luckily, she wasn't hurt, just a little shocked, but she was able to get back up and keep going.

We then all headed in for lunch, and got the kids an order of chicken fingers to share, and a large salad for Firey and I.

"How was skiing, everyone," I asked them.

"Good Uncle Coiny," Spindle said. "Can we go on the big lifts after lunch?" Firey and I looked at each other, and then he nodded."

"Yeah," Firey said. "We can do that, we just have to be careful, okay?"

"Okay," the kids said. We finished up lunch and headed on over to the smaller lift. We prepared them for how to get on. It was a three person lift, so Firey went with Spindle, and I went with the twins.

"Da Da, what's that," Rustie said as she saw Drop Off, also known as, the freestyle park that I broke my leg at.

"It's a freestyle park, you get to jump on the railings and do cool tricks with your skis on."

"Have you ever been on it, Da Da," Ash asked me.

"Well, I've been on it a few times actually. However, the last time I went on it, I got a big boo boo on my leg, the bone inside it broke, and I couldn't walk for a while. You guys were little baby's at the time, so you don't remember, but I had a giant cast on that helped my leg heal. Since then, I've had to be careful with my leg, which means I've had to avoid the park. But don't worry, once you get older, and you know how to be safe on it, we can go on it together!"

When we got to the top, Firey buckled in, and we made a single file line down the mountain, with me in the front, and Firey in the back. The kids were doing a lot better then I thought they would. We got to the bottom, and went on the lift again, this time I took Spindle and Firey took the twins.

"Uncle Coiny, when did you start to ski?"

"When I was around your age," I said to him.

"Was it hard," he asked.

"Very hard, but I got better."

"Okay, because I think that skiing is hard, but I want to get better because it is fun!"

"Yeah, that's the spirit," I said. We took the same trail again. This time, I got to the bottom faster so I could take a video of Spindle and send it the Pin and Needle. Spindle eventually came and I videoed him, and texted it to them.

Me: hey guys, look at this little man

Pin: wow, that is so cool, thank you for taking him Coiny.

Needle: I'm with Pin, I didn't think Spindle would be this good in such a short amount of time!

Me: no problem, we all had a lot of fun.

Eventually, we all got tired and headed back home. We dropped off Spindle and we headed to our place. I hope we get to ski with him again, it was a lot of fun!


And this is what happens when I get motivated. I write like crazy. So, surprise, you get two chapters today. I really like this one, I wanted to have a fun chapter, and I thought it would be nice for it to be Firey, Coiny, and the kids. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoyed, and as always, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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