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Spindles POV

Today I'm starting my summer dance clinic. Thankfully, Oak and Mattea are doing it with me. This is Oaks and I's first time doing this summer clinic. Mattea did it last year. She said it was hard, but that it really made you a better dancer at the end. I'm a little nervous to go, but I'm trusting Matteas word on it.

I walked into the dressing room, and was tackled by Oak upon entering.

"OAK! Are you trying to get me injured?"

"Sorry Spindi, I'm just really excited to see you!"

"Don't worry, she did the same thing to me," Mattea Said.

As everyone was getting dressed, I took a look around the room. I realized that I knew pretty much everyone in this room.

I guess it just shows how small dance community around here is.

When we got called by the instructor, I noticed one girl sitting in the back corner. She was crying with her knees held up to her chest. I must not have noticed her earlier, because I don't think I've ever seen this girl in my life. Concerned, I calmly approached her.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

She remained silent for a bit until she took her head out of her knees to look at me.

"" She mumbled.

"What's wrong, is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I don't Know?" I could tell she was in distress

"What's your name?"


"Fency, nice to meet you! My name's Spindle! I'm guessing you're new to OCDA?"

"Yeah, my moms signed me up for this class at this studio to check it out. But... I'm nervous I'm gonna make a fool of myself."

"I promise you, at this studio, it's hard to make a fool of yourself. Trust me, my two friends here did a duet at regionals last season, and One of them tripped over the other! And no-one cared all that much, we were all just dying of laughter!" I saw Fency smile a little bit. "See, come on, we should start stretching in the studio, in Fact Ill introduce you to my friends wile were in there!"

Fency got up and gave me a hug.

"Thank you!"

"Anytime," We headed into the studio, where everyone was still warming up.

"Spindle! What took you so long!" Mattea


"Sorry, I Was just helping out Fency over here

here, this is her first time at the Studio."

Fency waved at Oak and Mattea.

"Oh, hi Fency! It's nice to meet you! I'm Oak by

the way."

"Hi, I'm Mettea!"

"Hey guys, it's nice to meet you," Fency said.

"Alright dancers, let's start group warm ups!"

We all got positioned to do the group warm ups. Let me just tell you, they were hard. I know how important they are but man am I gonna be sore the next few days. Oak and I Kept giving each other glances as we struggled through the warm ups.

I glanced over at Mattea, and while she wasn't Struggling as much as OaK and I, she still had a hard time.

I then went to take a look over at Fency to see if she was holding up okay.

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