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Everyone sat around the dining table. "Okay everyone grab a baggy," Nailea instructed, reading the directions of the sheet of paper they had given. Everyone grabbed a small plastic bag, there was one left when Dixie looked around the table noticing that Noah hadn't grabbed his baggy yet.

"Hey, Noah the last ones yours."

She said reaching out to hand him the baggy she grabbed from the box in the middle of the table. "Um... I don't know how I feel about this." "What do you mean?" Nailea asked placing the direction sheet on the table. "I don't know..." Dixie noticed Noah's glance shift back to Mads. She really hoped he knew she had a husband cause his staring wasn't helping anyone.

When no one spoke, Nailea broke the silence reading the direction sheet again. "It says here that you only need 2 full circles around the mouth to have enough DNA for them to test." Everyone pulled the tubes out and put them in their mouths ceiling the baggies and putting them back in the box in the middle of the table.

Expect Noah.

Everyone looked at him and he just stared at his hands. "Noah are you okay?" Mads asked from across the table. "Yea I'm fine I just don't want to do this." He said standing up and throwing the baggy with his stick in the trash next to the table. "You guys can do it without me."

Noah walked upstairs, everyone looked around the table for an indication of what happened. Dixie didn't know what went over her when she walked up to the trash can grabbed Noah's baggy and put it in the box with all the rest. No one questioned her Nailea just closed the box and put it back in her backpack.

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