Sober phone calls arent good either

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Dixie and Noah looked at each other. Kate looked at Bryce.

"Wait you too are dating?" Noah asked in a condescending way.

"Married actually." Kate corrected.

Noah took a breath and Dixie watched him.

"You good man?" Bryce asked forcing his glance toward Noah to decipher his expression.

"Yea I'm good, we should talk."

Everyone agreed as they all sat down on the couch and chairs.

"So."  Bryce said trying to ease the tension.

"How do you two know each other." Noah asked looking at his feet. Dixie assumed he was talking about her and Kate to which she responded.

"We met in medical school." Dixie was trying to meet Noah's eyes but he was making it extremely difficult.


"We had a good time while it lasted, remember when Taylor took us to that bowling ally and Madi tried suducing the guy into giving her free shoes."

Dixie laughed at the memory.

"Yea she came through though, saved us all a good 40 bucks."

"I know all hale Madi Manroe."

"Do you know what she's doing now?" Dixie didn't really keep up with friends from Medical school anymore as most of them left after or dropped out.

"I think she became a nurse instead, guess surgery isn't for as all."

"Yea I guess so."

Noah and Bryce were watching the girls conversation. Noah didn't realize all the life Dixie had before him. But most importantly he didn't realized she had it with a girl he used to date.

Bryce had known Kate his entire life. He was going to tell her how he felt about her until they met Noah and his chance was gone in a blink of an eye. When Noah left the team, him and Kate ended up going their separate ways and Bryce decided to shoot his shot again and they got closer. He proposed about 4 years after when Kate got into the Yale School Of Law and than they've been happy ever since.

"Hey Noah." Bryce started trying to include the boys in the conversation.

"Remember when you, Kate and I went to that trampoline park and you taught us how to backflip."

"Oh I remember that." Kate chimed in. "Bryce  got it on the first try and I was so jealous it took me forever to get the hang of it."

"You did it eventually." Noah pointed out.

"Yea but it was hard, oh do you too remember the time we went out to dinner, to celebrate your state win and Noah won't try the green beans."

"I still hate them." Noah said, and soon the three of them we laughing about old times and reminiscing on memories they all knew Dixie wasn't apart of. She didn't think they noticed when she walked off, going into her room for peace and quiet.

She sat on her bed looking at the closed door in front of her. She didn't know what she was doing, what was going through her mind as she scrolled through her contacts. Finding the "G"s before clicking a name and hitting call.

"Hey." She said to the boy on the other end.

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