rules and therapists

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<Therapy is extremely effective so if you are someone who is struggling and what's someone to talk to reach out to therapist in your area. As much trama as Dixie went thought therapy was always on the table lol that's it enjoy>

Dixie walked into Mrs. Jordan's office. She hadn't seen her therapist in a while and she wanted her to be up to-date on her new life. The last time her and Charly spoke it was before the divorce was finalized, now she's got a boyfriend and an apartment and a dead sister. There's a lot to talk about.

"Hey Dixie long time no see."

"Yea I'm so sorry to barge in like this I'm sure you have other clients."

"No nonsense I have time, my schedule is pretty free today I was just about to leave."

"Oh well you can it's okay I can make an appointment and come back tomorrow."

"Dixie." Charly said chuckling.


"Get in here."

Dixie walked into the room she used to visit so often.

"Come sit tell me about your life now, have you and Griffin officially divorced I remember you talking about that last time."

"Yes we finalized the papers awhile ago and I actually have a boyfriend now."

"Oh, tell me about him."

"He's just everything."

Dixie realized Noah was everything she wanted in a man. She didn't have much to compare it too much she watched enough mtv and romcoms to know what she wants. She was kinda iffy about it in the beginning but it makes since now because before he was the exception, but now he's the rule.


Charly said after a while.

"Yea, he's sweet and kind and..."

"What's his name?"

"Noah, Noah Beck."

"Oh yea I've heard of him he's a surgeon too right."

"Yea he his, we work at the same hospital."

"That's good, do you guys live close."

"We live in the same building actually and our apartments are right across from each other."

"That's convenient."

"I think so."

" And do you too have a hard time separating your personal and professional lives."

"No we make it work, it's never really been an issue we both work later so understanding each other's schedule isn't hard."

"How did you two as a couple deal with your sisters death."

"How... how did you."

"I always know more than I'm let on."

"Oh well, he was really sweet about it."

"That's it."

"Yea that's it."


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