my guts not wrong this time

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Noah had agreed to go to dinner with Lorelei which was what he was getting ready for when there was a knock at the door. Noah and Dixie hadn't talked about what happened it was like they woke up the next day and forgot about it. What they were doing the "boyfriend with no labels thing" wasn't what Noah wanted but he couldn't lose Dixie, to which he buried his feeling for her.

"Noah why so fancy?"

Dixie asked as she walked into his kitchen leaning over the table in curiosity.

"I'm going out."

"With Lorelei?"

"Yes with Lorelei."


"What do you not want me to go?"

"Noah you can go out for dinner."
There was a small chuckle in Dixie's voice one that bothered Noah more than he thought it would. Did she really not care? Was she just pretending? Was he wasting his time?

"I know I can."
His voice was urgent and a bit passive-aggressive.

"Okay, so why ask me?"

"Do you not want me to go?"
His voice was angry. He wasn't yelling but his voice was demanding.

"You can't answer a question with a question."

Dixie looked unbothered but she wasn't inside her heart was breaking. She didn't want Noah to know that though. She had made a decision one she couldn't take back now right?

"I wouldn't if you'd answer my question honestly."

"I did answer honestly!"

"No, you didn't."

He was right she hadn't answered honestly.

"So I'll ask again." He was closer now his breath embracing her face in what felt like a hug.

"Do you not want me to go?"

"You can go, Noah—"

"Yes or No."


"You want me to go."

"Noah what do you want me to say."

"The truth Dixie and don't tell me that is because it isn't and I know isn't."

"You want the truth, Noah." She was yelling just to get her point across.

"The truth is I want to be around you all the time. The truth is I don't know what to do with myself anymore. The truth is my work performance has gone to shit ever since dinner. The truth is I am now realizing what a big mistake I made pushing you away again. The truth is I would love to be your girlfriend."

She took a breath. Dixie had lost the lock she had on Noah's eyes and since her rant, she had backed up, now about a couple of feet away from Noah.

"The truth is." She said looking at him.

"No, I don't want you to go to dinner with your ex-wife."

"Than what do you want?"

Noah got closer as he spoke.

"I want you to kiss me."

And he did with passion and promise and love and loathe and happiness. Noah missed his lips on Dixies. He missed being next to her like this, holding her like this.

"Don't let me go Noah."


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