my brother in law loves my sister

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Dixie got to the lobby of her apartment at exactly 6:37 am she wanted to get to work early or on time. She was stopped by a familiar and friendly face.


She said looking at her ex sisters husband. "Hey Dixie can we talk." Dixie smiled motioning with her head to the elevator and back up to her apartment. "You want something to drink coffee maybe." She asked when they got inside her apartment."No I'm okay." "Oh then what are you doing here."

"She needs you Dixie." "I was afraid that was what you were here for look--" "No no don't give me some bullshit "she doesn't love me" excuse." "Chase I know this must be hard."

"Damn right its hard, your not there Dixie you haven't seen what I've seen you don't know how many times I've had to rush her to the nearest hospital worried every second she could die in the seat beside me. You don't now how many times I've woken up from a nightmare of her dying in my arms, how many things I want to tell her want to talk to her about but can't, can't because I don't want to worry her, want to add onto her stress. YOU DONT KNOW DIXIE."

He was crying water was hitting the carpet on the floor, he sat on the stool locatied under the island. Dixie sat next to him rubbing his back in understanding and sympathy. "I'm sorry Chase, your right I don't understand but you can talk to me about anything you know that right."

"I scared Dixie I'm so fucking scared I'm gonna lose her."

"Yea me too." He looked up at her. "I miss her so much, I know were not close and we probably wont ever be but I do miss her."

"You've got to tell her Dixie, I wont live with myself if she dies and still has unresolved problems with her sister. She loves you wherever she can express it well or not."

"Same goes for you."

He looked down breaking their eye contact. "Chase she loves you, you have to know that." "Yea yea I do." "No you don't so I'm telling you she loves you." "It just doesn't always feel like that." "I know trust me I know but she does."

"Thank you Dixie."

"Your my brother in law I love you, were in this together we can do this together."

"I don't like asking for help."

"I don't want to watch my sister lose her life so your gonna have to figure out a way to get over that."

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