~ Chapter 63 ~

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Meanwhile, in the dark lab, Hawks was shocked at what he was seeing after he was sent on a mission to be the spy and pretend to work for the League of Villains. He was also called here for a special surprise by Dabi. There stood before him was the most hideous creature of all, the Scorpius Rex. As if on cue, the lightning outside the lab strikes to get a better look at the hybrid dinosaur.

 As if on cue, the lightning outside the lab strikes to get a better look at the hybrid dinosaur

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It stared deadly at Hawks and was about to attack when Dabi brought out his blue flames. The Scorpious Rex stopped and stared at the fire as if it's on trance. It walked over to Dabi, staring at the fire in fascination. Dabi slowly petted the hybrid dinosaur on the snout.

"Atta boy..."

"Aw! It's now Dabi's pet!! I want one!" Himiko whined.

"Right?! That's not fair!" Twice nodded, pointing childly at Dabi who doesn't care.

"It's obvious because it likes fire surprisingly." Shigaraki rolled his eyes.

"W-What is that thing?" Hawks stuttered.

"I'm so glad you asked! Here, I have this video that will definitely get you to understand why! I'll set up!" Dr. Kyudai said as he excitedly typed up the computer and placed it on screen for everyone to see.

Dabi made sure Scorpious Rex stayed put as long as he have the blue flames on. Hawks watched in silence as he had a hidden body camera on in his coat. Dr. Kyudai pressed play on the first video as it showed the face of Wu.

"This is log entry 239. I am delighted to announce that the E750 project is a complete success. I have created the world's first hybrid dinosaur, the Scorpius Rex! Granted, its appearance and behavior are a bit... unusual. But no one can deny this is an unparralleled scientific breakthrough."

This left Hawks confused and worried about this project. Another video showed Wu looking disappointed.

"This is log entry 240. Mr. Masrani was not pleased. Called the Scorpius Rex 'too ugly to put on display.'" he sighed. "Still, I shall continue my work undeterred."

The next video showed Wu with an electric background, but he looked uneasy and scared for some reason.

"This is log entry 257. The Scorpius Rex's mind has turned out to be as fragmented and unpredictable as its body. One moment placid, the next, extremely aggressive. I remain confident that I will..."

He was cut off by the people screaming and the loud crash and turned and screamed to see something zooming past by and tackled him, causing the screen to glitch. This left everyone except for Dr. Kyudai shocked, but the video kept playing as it showed Wu on the ground unconscious with two doctors on his side.

"Oh, no! Someone support his head! Get him the anti-venom! We need that now, stat!"

The woman came in with the medic box and pulled out a needle with red liquid in it.

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