I'm on the verge

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Has anyone seen her around,I know we ended things but she hasn't been in school for a month,where could she be. 

God, I can't believe this,we ended it with her to protect her. And now we can't even find her to protect her from afar. What the hell have we done.


We felt it best to end things with Ms. Sorenson to protect her,but she hasn't been in school for a month, I have asked around and nobody has seen her. She's usually here everyday. Where is she.


I miss pookie, I miss her smile,the way her eyes would light up when she saw anyone of my brothers or myself,I miss holding her in my arms,but we did it to protect her,but now I'm not so sure. North does nothing but school,garage, and drink when not doing missions,kota continues to count.


Where is aggele? Nobody has seen her around, heck even rocky and Mike have been asking about her,but nobody seems to know where she is, she just disappeared, like she up and vanished. Vic can't find a trace of her anywhere, we even called in Corey from the toma team to help with no success. Nathan, has been at the gym more, Luke seems more out of it than usual,  Victor spends all his time on the computer,doesn't even play the piano anymore,says he has no reason to now that he can't see his princess. Gabriel is worse than ever with his insecurities without his trouble, and me,well let's just say I don't talk,I do even less than normal and usually mostly in Greek. I'm wondering if we did the right thing.


It's been a month I think, and I have been living in the streets, nowhere to go, so I have made a home fore myself behind this dumpster near the moonlight club which is also near the little Italian restaurant Luigi's. So that I can find food one way or another. My clothes are a mess my hair is knots,and I think my last clean outfit won't be clean anymore.  I have found a knife and have lost my will, as I'm about to to take the knife to end my life someone comes walking down the alley to where my new home is, how pathetic am I to end my life with all that I've been through, I can't take it anymore.

So like I said as I'm about to end it, someone decides to step in now.

Hey you, yeah you with the knife, it can't be that bad to want to end your own life. I just roll my eyes at him and say it's not your problem. You don't know anything about me and what I have been through.

He says " whatever it is or was is not worth taking your own life,you have a purpose in life,you just haven't found it yet.  How old are you?

I look at him through the grime and dirt that I am covered in,look into his gorgeous ice blue eyes, and have a battle with myself whether to lie or tell the truth, if I'm gonna end it anyways why not just tell the truth, so I tell him that I just turned 18.

He tells me is name is Damien and that he is here to help. But do I accept it,looks sincere enough to be telling the truth and not out to harm or rape me as my stepmother used to always tell me that all men are like that.  So with his hand extended waiting for my decision,I decided to take the leap and accept his help,of course depending on what it is that is.

So here's to the start of hopefully fixing myself for a better me.

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