do you wish to go with me

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As I approach Silas,he gulps and look a little nervous,ask him to take a walk with me,don't need anyone else to here this private conversation and I'm actually a little nervous to ask if I'm being honest with myself.
We walk into and area where the starlight is, I go over to her and nuzzle up to her, trying to get my head together. As I turn around I see Cody. Who gives me a small smile and nods telling me know matter what he will always be there for me no matter what.
This gives me the strength I need, I tell Silas, Silas I'm taking a trip in a couple of weeks to meet my grandfather I just learned about, I will be stopping in Italy to see my papa and will continue my journey from there. It gives my team a chance to refuel the plane and me to visit my familia in Italy. He just looks at me and nods to let me know he's listening,I continue to tell him about Italy, and how my life was skipping some of the details, I then proceed to tell him about Ireland, and even though I just got back, that I miss it and I will see it again,but not for a couple of months,then I proceed to tell him a few more detail about my life there.

Now's where it got a little hard for me, I tell him I found out my grandfather was and is from Greece and that in a couple of weeks I am going to meet him, I ask if he wants to join me, he was just stunned, but before he can answer me I tell him who my grandfather is, Artemis castallanos, he just stiffens and looks at me wide eyed I know who is and he is one of the biggest names in the underground and that he is more ruthless than Alexandre, he helps to run the biggest human trafficking ring known to the complete underground. Which is one reason I was encouraged to seek him out.

I told him to take his time with his decision, I know Greece holds a lot of bad memories for him, but I remind him of holds some good ones, it's where his mother is buried and he could visit her, it's where he met North, and so on and so forth,I remind him of the good regardless of the bad and his past.

He just nods and his head and turns and walks away,not a word on what he's thinking, no superman hugs, no calling me his aggele, nothing, it is then I wonder if I shouldn't have asked him to come with me, I don't know what to do think by his actions, I just turn around and lean against starlight, I cry the tears I've been holding back,I must have been at for so long that I didn't feel a presence near me and they just embraced me and held me until my tears dried up,based on his smell, I figured out it was Damien and Cody. Surrounding me.

Damien tells me it will be ok, to give him a little time, it was a lot to take in. I've had time to process it now it's his time, I know Damien is right,I just wish I knew where his thoughts were going about the whole thing, but he just left me,when before no matter what he'd atleast hug me or something before he walked off to think, maybe he's decided he doesn't want to try to get the new me and that I'm not worth it anymore..

Damien tells me to stop thinking like that,that he knows where my mind is and I'm not the girl anymore that I am stronger than that, he also reminds me that I have the Kalo-Toma team if the Blackbourne team doesn't want to be or like the new me,the me who is finding where her roots are,and getting to know family I never knew I had. And just like that he steps back and Brandon is there and embraces me in his strong arms and has me jump and wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist,it's not easy to do with a gown on I'll tell you that much, but we don't go far, all he does is settle us on a couple of hay bales, with me straddling him leaning into him as he makes circles on my back to calm me down, I take a look to Damien and Cody and just tell them that I approve. And they both just smiled at me hand in hand and turn and walk away. Brandon has me calmed down by the time I have to head back for duties and tells everybody that he's staying with me this time and nobody argues it seems that my guys know who I need at the time of certain things, because the one I truly need even if I don't realize always appears.

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