my family

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When everyone woke up the next morning the castle was all cleaned up,back to normal, everyone made it to the dining room for breakfast and talk about the problems at hand. We talked about the drug issue and how it has gotten into the universo here in Ireland, how we will need a team to head inside to gather Intel, so we will ask for one of the you g teams from the local area to infiltrate for Intel, I would work closely with them since I helped the Ashley waters case and no the best ways to get it without trying. After all was said and done with the drug problems at the school, the next problem would be the German who is after the Irish princess for his own gain power over the world. And the only thing q e have to go on is he's German don't have a clue who he his or his status in his county, so now I'm truly back to looking.over my shoulder and to make sure Corey plates the trackers in all my gear holders including  my prosthetic legs. Papa wants hip to put a tracker in me,but we felt that was pushing it a little to far. Once all I work was done,we ended up having a huge. Family day including games you would see at the highLand games, a BBQ was planned some swimming and. Plenty of binding time,the only thing thing that would have completeld this day were my heart's I the states, what? I have an unusual chosen family. One that I will cherish for the rest of my to get ready to head back to Charleston to prepare for the rodeo while my papa,Damien and uncles prepare for this war across the lands.

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