Is she here

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Everything and everyone is at the rodeo, the crowds are pouring in through the gates, the animals are restless, the ladies are all heading infor the barrel races, while we have some guys getting their slips to pick their bulls for the bull riding, the rodeo angels are I place to head into the ring for the national anthem. With Heather at the lead,the academy teams are set in place, all but the Kalo team,they are waiting for their little princess to show up who has yet to make an entrance, Liam did as she asked and Dusty is taking care of her horses and stuff,so atleast they didn't have to worry about that. Now just to help keep control until she get here I guess.

Meanwhile as everyone is settling into the seats, the boys in proper placing without too many issues,pretty things, as the stands settle and Victor and Mr. Blackbourne are in their seats in the elite section,they notice Hendricks and McCoy and stiffen and with a nod to each other they know to keep an eye on them. Mr. Blackbourne his three piece suit as usual only he's wearing his brand new tie and Victor dressed as usual giving him a a wired look and Owen just shrugs.just as the mc is announcing the rules and all that stuff he says his welcome and what the event is for that it is a charity event to raise money for the children's hospital as well as hidden Hearts Ranch.

Now this intrigued the Blackbourne team a little more,since they just helped with the barn raising and that's where the gifts started coming.

So as the rodeo angels come in to the ring do there fancy door work all rise for the national anthem. After the national anthem a note is dropped into Victors hands he opens it up all it said was

Keep an eye to the sky.

He thought okay and thought it the events he kept looking up to the sky
A few events take place the barrel racers,the hog tie, the broncos and few other events, just when the announcer was getting ready to announce the next event,he here's music unsure if he's hearing right,with whispers through the stands particularly hearing some of the competitors,he gets up to the mic and asks for Ryan to step forward and he does.

Tim asks him if she's truly here,
All Ryan said she just called from the air and told me to start her music. The competitors were ecstatic for their princess has shown up.

Tim announces that they are in for a real treat this weekend, and announces the Irish princess has returned.

Low and behold the all of shadow fielda can hear something like a helicopter flying over, they stands look up and sure enough a stunning helicopter with only the hhr symbol on it is flying over and hovering to land, while will be Karen are putting it into position to land, Sang is looking out her window and over the crowd, while she's in communication with the Tomas and Kalos getting the Kalos into position to receive her on the ground she making sure the Tomas stay put and don't give anything away, and that she loves them and will see them at home for a proper hello later. The Blackbourne team is puzzled on who it can be North is doing is scowly and Nathan just looks board, all others are curious but those two are just thinking some big hot shot probably snootier than hell. But as Sang chopper bears the ground somehow when managed to lock eyes with dull looking embers, he doesn't recognize her in the chopper which is what she was hoping,after all she was left with nothing when she left. And now she returns as a real princess,

When she's just about landed and she spots the Kalo team she signals them to go ahead and come forward,after all they are her bodyguards at the rodeo,but when they step she notices a forth,she rolls her eyes and goes with the flow it seems her father sent Damien as an extra guard for this weekend. Told him I would be fine but he sends my best friend/brother anyway. Once the door is open

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