I still love you princess

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God I couldn't believe when princess called me,my heart was doing flips and then said she wanted to see me, I swear I didn't know how to react to that so I agreed she said she would meet me at princes place, she gave me the address and I put into my gps not to far from here so I headed that way,when I got there and founsa spot to park. I see her leaning on a black land Rover wait didn't she have. White mustang, but nope that's princess standing right there seeming to be doing something on her phone as she hasn't seen me yet, so get out of the my car lock it and when I get close enough to her she looks up at me with a genuine smile, not the fake ones she's been giving us,ok that's new right now but Ill take it, she greets me with a hello and actually gives me a hug wrapping her arms around my waist at first I just stood there dumbfounded when she started to pull away I immediately pulled her back in wrapping my arms around her and just baskets in this hug I may not get another one again. When we finally pulled apart she led me inside what looked like a music cafe I was in awe of it,while I may not play all the time anymore I couldn't believe this place she asked if I wanted anything I told her coffee she asked if I still drank it the same way and I said,should have known shed remember asked if I wanted anything else I said no thank you and she went to order a coffee for me and apparently a tea for her,I thought she liked her Irish coffee, but ok it is kind of late maybe she won't sleep if she has coffee I wonder if she still gets her nightmares anymore. And how she handles them.

After getting our drinks she brings me over Tina secluded table and figured this would be best to talk, and talk we did we caught up on most things and then she proceeded to tell me she was pregnant. Which I wasn't sure how to take it, but she then told me it was the Kalo-Toma teams and I'm not sure but that made me feel better after all even with everything the Tomas are still our friends, they have been giving advice to the others and getting them to think real hard on their actions and to figure it out soon, before she decides to go back home whereever that may, I guess they don't know where she truly considers home,she lives with them here but they aren't sure if this where she truly considered home, I was only told if I wanted to be with her again that I would have to prove that I was not running at the 1st sign of danger, with who her family is it is bound to happen and they wanted me to think real hard on why I originally let her go The first time,but she also told them she wasn't going to split my family up, but if it was truly what I wanted and chose they would welcome me into their family no questions asked, because if princess wanted me there they weren't going to argue. Considering we might as well already be family with how close the teams work together.
So tell her congrats and ask if she knew who the father was and she said she has a bunch it's Liam and Marc apparently she's having twins two different fathers. With them starting a family where does that leave my team or me for that matter.

She must have been reading my mind, because she said if things worked out in the that sense she would bare me my own child as well as the others as long as her body could handle it. God she's amazing, so with that we talked about the details of the gala tomorrow night explained to me she would becoming as princess sangrida,turns out she truly is a real princess of Ireland, she says once she knows where our relationship is headed they she can reveal other secrets it's a deal she made with her father. So I said no problem then she said one thing that really for me surprised but oh so thankful to hear.

She said that even though she's in love with the others she never stopped loving me and that she owned this cafe and I was surprised. The ranches and princes cafe.wow. what other secrets does she have I wonder. Then I told her something I wasn't sure I was ready to admit especially only seeing each other again I told her I still lived her. And with that she gave me a kiss on the cheek, and we walked out hand in hand,now I had to figure out what I truly wanted if the others didn't make amends with her.

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