over time

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Over the next few days since laying Killian to rest, Sang has been busier than usual, not realizing the toll it's taking on her body, and the boys are getting worried,they haven't seen much of her except in passing, she's been going to this meeting for this and that meeting for that, she doesn't know which way is up anymore.

Until her father steps in and says Sang,I know there is a lot to be done right now,but it's time for you to rest, this isnt good for you or the babies your carrying. Let me step in,let your boys help you. When was the last time you had time for yourself to relax or time with your boys.

I know papa,but until Alistair is taken care of, there is no rest, Connor and I are trying to find a replacement for him so he can step up to Uncle's spot someone who will be fair and follow our guidelines for a successful turn around. But then there are the royal duties. The hospital stuff to do,the ranches in the states. And then I don't want the boys to feel like they need to leave their homes to come to the palace and make this their permanent home,when I know how they feel about Charleston. Papa I can't do that to them,so whether I like it or not I may have to rule without them by my side. Or atleast all of them,I won'make.them.choose between me and their homes. But once I come out in public, I will need to make Ireland my permanent home only visiting the other places I love. While I know the ranches will be fine, what about the people in every aspect.

Sang, you have a big heart, you have always put others before yourself,when are you going to let yourself be truly happy with those that love and care for you, have you asked any of them what they want or told them what is expected of you once you are out. You have 17 guys out there who would do anything to make you happy, talk to them see where their hearts lye, see what kind of compromise and such you guys can agree on. If some don't want to stay,well then atleast you can say you gave it a chance or in some cases,you tried again. And that's what I will have to do.

And with that Sang walks into her room to go take a hot relaxing bubble bath to sort out her thoughts.

Meanwhile, the boys have come to a decision that this is where they want to be, sure they would miss everyone back home,but they can not let their heart go. And it was decided they will tell her as group soon.

So while the boys were milling about and strategizing about the where about of Alistair another has took notice and decided to help them out,but only for the sister he once lost and can't wait to dote on her like she should have been. Sure he only saw her shortly after she was born, but then he was ripped away from her and the boys and never got see them again,until a few years later and that was only by pictures that someone in his group manage to get.

But as they say only time will he finally be reunited with his family again. And the sooner the better for big things are heading there way and not sure what kind of ending they will have.

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