my life

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After everyone left from today's work, I kissed the boys goodnight and headed to my bed, after talking with Cody today and giving the little things to both North and Luke I really thought about my life and where I want to go, while being a ghost I can do so much more, but giving myself a name, I would have an identity,one that I chose for myself, I don't have to be Sangrida Sorenson,I can be whoever I chose to be, I can truly leave my past behind but only with the thoughts in me head. My step mom had drilled it in my head that nobody could ever love me, she said boys and men only wanted one thing. But look at me now, I have a father who loves me, a. Couple of uncles who would bend over backwards to make ok,  yeah ok I have a crazy German after me, but that's just how my life is, I fought Volto and yeah I may have lost my leg but still came out on top because of the people that cared enough about me, I have a home I Ireland and protect and take care of my people even if they don't know who I actually am, come to find out I actually have a blood grandfather still alive in Greece who I will be meeting soon. And that's all those across the seas, here I have my rodeo family, but I also have the Kalo and Toma teams, and I think deep down I still have the Blackbourne team, but I'm stronger than I ever was before, I got the help I needed and now. Giving help to others one way or another.

I was able to place Dylan with lily and her men and now have a little brother in him. It all comes down to am I stinger than my storm.

And I'd have to say.yes, yes I am stinger than any storm that comes my way because I have people that not only care about me but also love me, and I love them in return even if I had know some of them for a short time I love them and I don't care how late it is I am going to tell them.

So I raced out of my bed,race down the stairs, races aross the grass and raced into the mansion yelling as loud as I can trying to wake all of them up, I waited and about 5 minutes later everybody was up and down in the kitchen where i paced.  Once I knew everyone was here looking at me worriedly, I told them my thoughts and that I didn't care about the time but that I loved each and everyone of them and that I am in love with them.

While I knew the Kalo team and I have already expressed this,I think we were waiting on what Axels team had to say.  I guess it was a lot to take in and just when I thought this one sided,they all smiled and approaches me giving hugs and real kisses before I got passed to the next one till I landed in Axels arms. I also had to make sure they were aware of my feelings for Owen,Sean,North,Luke, Gabriel,Silas,Nathan,kota, and Victor.
But that they had to earn my trust and love back. And told them still couldn't say anything to them. All was agreed and I ended up with Axel in my bed that night let's just say I woke up very sore, yet a very happy ghost princess, as Axel took the last bit of my childish innocence away. While me heart is not yet complete it should be very soon, one by one picking up the broken pieces.

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