Chapter 75

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I know I've been lazy... sorry👉🏻👈🏻🥺.

Got a sad announcement at the end of the chapter.

Chapter Start

3rd pov:

Meanwhile in Shijiku~

Mitsuya was also surrounded by Tenjiku. He was currently fighting one of the Heavenly Kings.

"The world is vast. I didn't know a monster like you existed, motherf*cker." Mitsuya stated with furrowed brows as he spit out blood.

"There's strong willed people like you in Toman huh..." Yokohama Tenjiku's 4th Heavenly Kings, Mochizuki Kanji said. He then tightly clench his fist as he said, "This is getting fun."

'This guy...' Mitsuya thought grinning while getting ready for another round.

"Yo, Mochi." Another voice called, interrupting them as Mitsuya look behind him.

"Why are you having all the fun to yourself?" Younger brother of Haitani Brothers, Haitani Rindou said while walking towards the two.

'The Haitani Brothers??' Mitsuya thought in surprise before feeling someone behind him and blacking out the next second.

"I got you. Forgive me for the unfairness." Heavenly King of Tenjiku, Oldest Haitani Brother, Haitani Ran said after he hit the back of Mitsuya's neck with a brick.

"Yo, motherf*cker! Don't just steal someone else's target from the sidelines!" Mochi angrily yelled at the Haitani brothers.

"My brother always takes over the best parts.mI also hate the way he poses." Rindou said while pointing at his brother.

"But the results are what matters, right?" Ran stated while turning around. "Toman's not easy to fight. We haven't got caught off guard yet so its best we deal with them quickly." Ran stated in all seriousness as he and his brother walk away.

"Enough for today." Ran said while waving not looking back at the others following them.

"Dismiss." Rindou stated as Mucho just, "Hmph!"

'...Sh*t... So it's not just "Jugem"'s former leader... But also the Haitani Brothers...' Mitsuya thought. 'The Tenjiku is really formidable'

With Y/n~

After retrieving her groceries, Y/n decided to go back home and look for another anime to watch. As she was turning the corner, she heard some men groaning in pain and a crowd forming seemingly looking at something in the middle.

"Yo, Shouldn't we stop them?" One onlooker said.

"Go stop them yourself if you want." Another onlooker stated.

"The police will eventually arrive." Another one said.

"They are dead." another commented.

Being the curious person she is, Y/n slip through the crowd of pedestrians going to the front and saw a group of men wearing red coats all focus on the person in the middle of the circle. And there she saw a man with a tattoo on his head punching the remaining Toman member on the face knocking that person out. A dozen of Toman members were all seen littering his surrounding— all beaten black and blue 'til they passed out.

"Neeext" The person said in the middle as he stood up while licking his bloodied fist.

Heavenly King of Tenjiku, Madarame Shion. Former 9th Captain of Black Dragons.

With Jackets and Dorayaki (Mikey x reader) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now