Chapter 3 : Was it really a dream!

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'Life' when you hear of this word what come to your mind? I bet it's Happiness, success, love, friendship and for many a test from god; where you gather up all your good and bad deeds. Yes, life is this. When you put all these things at one place you get a life. It is simple yet complicated. This was where Zain was stuck. In understanding the 'life'.

The next day started. The alarm clock was ringing beside Zain's pillow. He moved and rolled on the bed because of the disturbing sound of the alarm which he never used. His mother would come and wake him up but this time he was alone, with his siblings.
He turned the clock off; stepped down from his bed and went to his restroom, rubbing his eyes. He washed his face with a refreshing splash of water and went down the stairs to his siblings room . He woke them up.
As for the breakfast, he bought sandwiches and some flavoured milk from a convenience store. After everything all of them left to their routes.
The sky was blue, the fluffy clouds floating in the air. Everything was so captivating but something was disturbing Zain. It was the dream he saw. What ever the case was, he reached the college.
During the lecture he was staring the sky but this time he was not pondering over his thoughts but he was busy deeming the dream. It was the moment when he heard his name called out "Zain please come to the staff room". The eyes looked up. He walked to the staff room where he saw Hamza standing; looking down the floor. Zain gazed him in a flabbergasting way. It was the moment when the scenario started to feel familiar; the place, the people, the positions he was busy remembering the things when he heard a sound. It was a slap on Hamza's face.
Everything started to make sense. He saw Mr. Zahid walking towards him. Zain stepped back in aghast.

"You, you are his Friend right?" Mr. Zahid shouted pointing at Hamza.

"Yes, I am."

"So you might know what he did too."

"N- No."

"Oh so Listen, this boy stole question papers from the staff room, and he can't do it alone. It was you right, the one who helped him in this unethical act?"
Zain looked at Hamza in jolt. He looked back in aghast.

"Sir, it's not .... I mean I have nothing to do with this... I swear."

Ha~ Mr. Zahid sniggered.
"Yeah.. that was expectable. don't worry we wouldn't let this go like this. If you accept it yourself it will be a favorable consideration; if not then let's see. Your mother is a... What?"

"She was a teacher, currently... She is finding a job... In Lahore."

"A good place. Let's see, you can go for now."
After the tiresome conversation Zain walked out of the staff room. The only thing he was thinking about was the scenario Which he faced. Was it really a dream? Or was it a coincidence; he was wobbled, agitated. He waited for his Friend to appear in front of him, he waited beside the staff room door, in the corridor.
Ten minutes later Hamza stepped out. Zain pulled him towards himself.

" Hey! Moron. What did you do now?"

Hamza glimpsed him.

" What do you mean? I did nothing. That old man is"

"What do you mean!"

"Why are you shouting!" Hamza gazed Zain indignantly. He held his hand and pulled him all the way to the restroom; pinned him on the wall and placed his finger on Zain's lips aggressively.

"Now shout... Here...."
Zain removed his hand and glared him.

"Yeah what do you mean. Shout? Am I shouting? Hamza you are so stubborn. I told you not to do something like this but you-"

"So what else do you want me to do!" He grieved bursting in tears. "That jerk...he... Told me to bring 10,000 rps this Saturday. I.... Told him that I can't do this. I can't rob my own place, he told me to...then.... He told me to steal the papers of the upcoming exams. He intimidated me that if I didn't do this... Then I wouldn't be able to reach the volunteering fest. Ha~ what do you expect me to do."
Zain was at a lost of words. He had nothing to say. He then clinged his friend; patting slowly on his back.

"Calm down. We'll figure out a way ." He sighed. Hamza nodded leaning on his shoulder.
The time passed by everything was too complicated. Zain was surrounded by many things. He was alone with his siblings, his mother was jobless, his friend was getting bullied, he was stuck between his feelings and more than all that, the dream which was enchanting. What was that? Was it the first time? Is it the last time? These were the thoughts which were revolving all over his head.

It was time to go home. Zain had to stay In the college for a group work. He called his aunt to pick up the children and take them home with her. He called the van driver not to pick them up.
He was sitting in the laboratory, working on his practical when someone entered. It was Hania. She was wearing the lab coat, perhaps she'd been here before him. She quietly Walked to the shelf and started to place the apparatus in a box one by one. Zain was staring her.

"Ahh... What are these apparatus for?"
She looked back.


"Ohh... Chemistry. Right. By the way can you help me ... I mean if you want ...I ..."

"In what?"

"In.. In this... Im unable to perform this practical, can you help..."

"Ok. Let me see." She walked to him, then checked the practical he was having problem with.

"Yeah, You have to identify the stomata on the dorsal and ventral side of the leaf. We need .... We have a leaf here. Remove the epidermis and then pour two to three drops of methylene on it to identify the stomata.. it's not hard. Try it."
During this precious time of his life when his crush actually listened to him and responded positively, he thought of every possible thing he could do with her. At the very least he could hold her hand; it didn't seemed so. That girl was not interested in such things.

Should I do it? What should I do? Hold her hand? Ask her out? Think Zain think. Ok I'm gonna do it, I'm not gonna find such good chance like this again was what he thought.

"Ah Hania. I wanted to say something, I don't know how to bring this up but I had a... Well let it go...are you single?"
The words forced the girl to look at him in the eyes. She stared in an offended way.

"What?" She mumbled moving back.

"So you asked for my help just to ask me this stu... I mean I'm sorry but I'm not interested in telling you my personal info."

" Listen I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, I just asked you, I like you and if you're not comfortable so you-"
Hania walked away without listening his words and confession. This made him feel down and remorseful. He pushed the book which fell on the ground. He was feeling penitent, abashed and flustered. Guess it was her answer, to walk away.


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Q. What is your favorite movie?
I don't have any in particular (╥﹏╥)

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