Chapter 42: Wait and watch

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That day was either a punishment or a trial. Talha was confused, scared and flustered.

What should I do? He thought and looked at his friend. Zain, who never failed to serve for the sake of friendship; immediately understood what his friend wanted him to do so he simply nodded and rushed in. It was a breath of relief. Now, Harim's parents.

"Sir sir calm down and please let go of my collar." Talha requested while wiggling his tie. The man let go and crossed his arms waiting for Talha's answer. Talha glanced at Harim. She was about to cry. She looked like she had lost someone close to her. She was scared.

Talha was quiet which was ticking the man off. He was thinking of what he should say. After a while of deep thinking he looked up and asked

"Can I ask something from your daughter?"

The man sighed and snickered in agitation.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I just want to ask something. You know what, forget it." He turned to Harim and smiled at her.

"Harim should I tell him the truth or should I think of an excuse?"

Harim was at a loss of word.

Dumbass! Even if I asked you to lie it would be useless now! Harim thought and looked away in agitation.

"Well she didn't answer."

"I'll answer for her. Tell the truth." Her father uttered.

"haha I knew it. Ok then." He glanced at Harim. It looked like she had accepted the reality. This just made Talha smile.

"So Sir let me introduce myself." Talha said and wiped his hand on the sides of his thighs. He then put his hand out to Harim's father.

"I learned this from a friend. Sir, I'm Talha Rauf, a first year medical student and I was first Harim's crush, then resented her, then friend and now her boyfriend. Nice to meet you."

This left the man at a loss of words. Harim's mother glared at her daughter but she seemed nonchalant and chill. She totally accepted the reality.

"What are you saying? Boyfriend? My daughter would never do that!" he raged glancing at his daughter whose face said that he was telling the truth.
'It is what it is.'

"By the way ma'am your daughter is such a good fighter. You should let her follow her dreams. Let her be a sports girl. She's a talented badminton player and won inter school championships thrice."

"Why do you even bother caring. Listen you..." the man pointed at Harim, " Don't you ever try to think of him again."

Harim sighed and glanced at her father. He looked back at her. She wasn't looking away and this was pissing him off.


"Dad you asked me to leave sports and study medical, I did as you said. Now you're asking me to give up on Talha whom I've been falling over since the start of the session and now I finally have him. I'm sorry, it's too hard for me and I can't. If you want me to marry him then I'll happily marry Talha that's it."

The father had nothing to say anymore. He glared at Talha and asked his wife to come with him and they left with Harim. Talha was so scared. The moment the family left he took a deep breath of relief. His whole back was wet with sweat of fear. He sat down and smacked his head with his hand.

"What the fxxk just happened."

Meanwhile, Zain was talking to Talha's father. He took him for a collection tour. He was tired himself.

"Zain, now i really have to go." Talha's dad got a call from the office. He stroked a smile which showed 'next time child'

"ye- yeah why not. Let's leave. It was fun giving you a tour and talking to you. I got to know a lot about Talha. I'll make sure to protect him as a good friend." Zain smiled at the man.

Now they both left. Talha thanked Zain for his help and left with his father. Zain was left alone now. He sighed and prayed for his friend. He then opened his report card and smiled at it.

"73% at least I didn't fail." He then left the building too.

The next day was here. It was Monday. Things were getting complicated. Only two weeks were left in Hania's wedding. The preparation had already started. Harim's parents took her phone from her so she couldn't talk to Talha. Talha shared the issue with his parents who were understanding. They examined the issue and his father said

"Her parents are stupid. It's hard to get on good terms with such narrow minded people. We can't do anything."

Talha didn't want to give up. He asked his family to talk to her parents. They went to her house and asked them for a marriage between the two.

They refused and just simply Said that they didn't like the boy. This made Talha's parents angry too and they also rejected their son's further requests.

"What is wrong with you all!" Talha shouted from his room.

"Shut it, do you want me to kick you out of the house!!!" his mother shouted from the hall. After minutes of silence Talha appeared with keys.

"Hey!! Where are you going?!"

"To her house. I don't want to end up like Zain."

This made his mother concerned. She stared at his son leaving.

"Talha! Wait for a moment!" the boy returned.


"So Zain didn't got the girl?" her mother asked while peeling the potatoes.

"Yes mom he didn't! Hania's wedding ceremony will be held in two weeks. Now everything's over. I tell ya mom. I'm not gonna end up like Zain. I'm not like him nor is Harim like Hania. We are going to get what we want."

"Listen Talha. We have no problem with this. It's only her parents who are creating a fuss. What should we do? I guess they didn't like the fact that you two dated."

Talha stared at his mother for a minute and left.

He was on his way to her house when he stopped at the signal. He was looking around when his eyes landed on a poster. It was the upcoming championship of badminton, tennis and basketball. He remembered Harim sending him a picture of the poster and saying that she really wants to participate.

He parked his bike at the corner and took a picture of it.

"Harim we'll go there together. Me and you. We'll play and win. Now I've made my mind. I'll come and take you with me." He said and took a deep breath.

Just wait and watch.


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