Chapter 49: We are still together

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That kiss surely made both of them awkward. Talha and Harim went to their faculties without a single word. They didn't sleep together but Harim made Talha sleep on the couch.

It was afternoon and time for lunch. All the trainees went to eat and so did Harim. She walked to one of the stalls outside the building.

"One burger and cold drink please." She asked while scratching her neck. She was waiting when she saw Talha on a stall. He was buying food too. Harim smiled at him.

We left the house without a word. He talked to me but I was too shy to answer. She thought.

She was gazing at him when a girl walked to Talha and touched his face.

WTF!!!!! Harim's each and every cell screamed.

Talha looked at the girl and removed her hand but she brought it back and touched his moles.

"That's my freaking property you bitch!!!! Especially those moles!!" she raged while folding her sleeves. She asked the ventor to save her food and walked to them.

"HEY!!! Get your hands off him!" Both of them looked at Harim. Talha immediately removed the girl's hand.

She walked to them and raised her eyebrows at the girl. The girl stared at her.

"What are you looking at?!" She hissed.

"And who are you?"

"Who am I? Who. Am. I?!!" Harim uttered while gawking at Talha.

Talha backed off with sweat all over him.

Why does she looks so scary?! He thought.

"Who is she Talha?"

"She? She's my friend..."

Harim glared at him.

"Girl.... Girl friend I mean!!!"

"What! You have a girlfriend!"

"yeah I have and here she is." He brought Harim in front of him and hid behind her. Harim smirked at the girl.

"Are you kidding me Talha?! A beauty like you for a girl like her!?"

"What do you mean by "her"!?? You little...." She walked to her in Rage when Talha stopped her.

"No No no no fights here please. Yeah Ani she's my girlfriend, I thought I told ya... Or not...."

"Oh ok well seems like she's the one who's crazy in love here... Well who am I to interrupt then.. bye." She walked away while waving.

As soon as she left Harim grabbed Talha by his shirt neck.

"Bitch I'm gonna fxxk you up!!"

"Hey calm down that's a stolen dialogue!!!!"

"Just shut up!!! Kissing me and then hooking around with other girls!!! Shame on you."

"I wasn't !! I swear she's always touching my face. We're just friends."

"Friends my ass!!"

"Ok sorry sorry. My bad, ok? Now let go of my shirt."

"How can you just listen her calling your girlfriend ugly?!"

"Ugly when did she said that!?"

"She did! Indirectly..." Harim mumbled.

Talha than sighed and than cupped Harim's face in his palms. Harim was startled but seeing Talha smiling so brightly at her made her smile back bashfully.

"If I knew that she called you ugly I would've called her ugly about a hundred times there." Talha uttered.

Harim looked away bashfully. Talha twirled around her and apologized. After hundreds of apologies, a treat of lunch and a little blackmailing of break up Harim accepted his apology.

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