Chapter 10: Soft corner.

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The benevolent love that those boys shared was just so mesmerizing. After those tiresome hours Zain had an early leave from college. He was standing on his doorstep rummaging his bag's posterior pocket to find out his house keys when his phone rang. He picked up the call.

"Hye mom."

"Baby, I think It'll be a while before I come back. I found another job.... It's ... I think it's better financially speaking... I..."

Zain frowned in disapproval and hung up.

"I don't know what her problem is, does she not care about us. She called just so she could tell me that she won't be back soon! That's ridiculous." He complained when suddenly he had an abdominal pain,"ahh" he sat down pressing his waist.

"Why all of a sudden! Am I on periods or what!" He groaned.
For more than 20 minutes Zain crouched in front of his house to minimize his pain. He was whining.

Why is my life so unbearable! Why are WE the only ones who are only suffering here alone. I want to runaway. Why doesn't anyone care about us. He thought, aggressive thoughts.

He was pondering over these thoughts when he felt something on his back. He immediately looked back. There was a boy who was staring at him all dirty, covered in rags. Zain gawked his in astound.


"Can I have some money."

Zain gazed at him. He turned so that he could face him directly.

"How much?"

"Whatever you want."

"Hah~ then here I have these 50 Rs in my pocket, here you go." Zain said giving him the money.

"Thank you." He blissed. "Well why are you sitting here like this?"

"I- I am here because I don't want to go inside yet."


"Hey, you can be on your way now."
The boy than thanked him again and went on his way. Zain then stood up and walked inside. The house was quiet.

"I wish aman and Zoha were here too."

He then filled his stomach with cup-noodles and went to his room. He lied down and opened his phone. He was watching a video when a message came.
"Hey are you good!"

He replied, "yes, I'm fine."

"Did you reached home safely."

"Yes Hamza I'm fine! I reached safely why so srs 😂😂😂 lol."

"You k why I'm not calling you right, you dk where I'm sitting right now, on the toilet seat!"

"Hahaha !!!! Do one thing poop or chat with me🥴🥴🥴" Zain typed rolling on the bed.

Hamza smiled. He typed,

"Whatever, well I saw Hania today but with dumb Hakim."

"What?!!? What is she doing with that fatass!!"

"Idk just told you what I saw."

Zain frowned. He then closed his phone for a bit and started staring the roof.
What is she doing with him again? He thought

He then picked up his phone and started typing.


"What's your problem!! Am I not even allowed to poop!!!" Hamza shouted from inside.

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