Chapter 8: More about him.

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Give love from your soul because you want to do so. Not because you have to. Take love because you want to, not because you're not afraid of saying no. Not because you feel lonely.

Hania looked at the flower. Zain slowly stepped back. She ran her fingers through her hair and slowly placed a strand behind her ear. She was coy. Zain looked at her bowing down a bit to see her reaction. Hania hurriedly looked up which made him jump back in astound. 

"Uh, ah why are you still here. You can go. I can cross the road by myself."
Zain smiled. He stepped back, gently running his fingers through his hair. He glimpsed at her while smirking. Hania looked at him but she couldn't understand what was going on in his mind.

"Hah" Zain sighed "I'll see you around." And he ran towards his route. Hania kept her eyes on him until he was gone. She sighed and smiled. She clutched her bag and started swaying. She was contented. She triumphantly went on her way.

She knocked on her door and her mother opened. She was gazing at her in Glee. Her mother glanced at the flower behind her ear as the girl ran upstairs. Hania ran to her room and jumped on the bed. She clutched the bedsheet rubbing her face on it that it turned red. She then looked outside the window.
"Why couldn't I stop him?" She mumbled bashfully.

"I never cared about him before. Is it because of what the old woman said?"

She then jumped off the bed and stood Infront of the mirror. She looked at the elegant flower behind her ear, gently touched it and then blissfully giggled. She was happier than ever but unsure as to why. She then picked up her phone and saw a message notification. It was Zain. She clicked on it.

"Hania, did you reached home safely. I was wondering if you were able to cross the road..... Hehe ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯ just kidding don't take it seriously."

Hania frowned. She started typing and simultaneously stopped. She looked down in disapproval.

"It's lucid that he likes me but why am I being  frenzied. It's just a flower, don't be rapturous." She mumbled and erased the text. She threw the phone and lied down with her hands under her head.  She was lost in her thoughts.  I must be a maniac. And the eyes closed, the alluring eyelashes went to rest along with the captivating soul. Her eyes closed as she fell asleep.

The next day was here. Zain was running around the house as they were late.

"Aman! You bitch hurry up and bring that shoe here!" He exclaimed throwing the cushion at the child who was busy combing his hair. Zoha ran to Zain.

"Can you tie my hair, how about bunches." She asked raising her hand, holding the comb and bands.
Zain gazed at her and dismissed her out of hand.

"No, there's no time for it. Your van has already left let's go with a simple style for now." He clutched her hair and tied them grimly, he pulled both of them and made them sit on the cycle. And off they went to their respective destination. As he was on his way to drop the children to their school, he saw Hania on the bus stop again. He slowed down and stopped.

"We're getting late. Why did you stop?" Aman shouted.

"I- I think the chain, I think the tyre got punctured." He mumbled gazing at the girl who was waiting for the bus.

"Let's go on that bus." And he rushed to the bus stop with his siblings leaving the cycle under an old tree.

Hania saw Zain coming, she hurriedly turned back. She was thunderstruck. What is he doing here! What the HELL is he doing here! Zain peeked at her. He slowly stepped closer, clutching the hands of his innocent, angel like siblings who just got conned by their brother.

"Ah, we are getting late." Zain murmured.
Hania glanced at him.

"The bus will arrive soon." Hania mumbled gazing at the two muffins standing next to their brother. Zain looked at her.

"Ahh these, these are my two beloved siblings. Very annoying." He chuckled.
Hania was busy squeezing their cheeks. Zain gazed at her, he simpered. I think she likes children.

"Oh the bus is here." He asserted. All of them looked up. In no time they were standing inside it. As the bus was crowded, Zain let Hania sit and kept standing. She made the children sit on her lap, she was so lost in their cute expressions, she started talking to them ignoring Zain's existence completely.

"So, what grades are you two in?" She inquired.

"We both are in the same class. Playgroup." Aman replied eagerly.
Zoha was busy playing with her hair.

"Sis, your hair are so silky unlike my brother. I think it's because he never takes a bath except on Friday and sometimes he skips that day too." Zain immediately turned to the voice. What the hell is she saying!

"Zoha, don't be a chatterbox, and who says I don't take a bath I-" Zain glanced at Hania who was busy chuckling. Zain literally had an egg on his face! He was mortified.

Hania peeked at Zain from between her fingers, he saw the boy looking down all reddened. He seemed cute to her. She gazed at him, she was lost. She then pulled his pants slightly, Zain looked down at her. Their eyes locked.

"Why are you being so dramatic?"

"I'm not, it's just these children don't even know what they're talking about. Just babbling."

Uuhhh I hate them. I shouldn't have come here at the first place. He thought.

Hania looked him and smiled. She than looked here and there and than looked at Zain again. She than called him by gesturing with her hand. Zain slightly bowed down so as his ear could reach her mouth. Hania than whispered.

"You are interesting, I want to know more about you"


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Q. Have you ever got proposal?
Yes I have 😪

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