Chapter 7: Petrichor

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Rejection hurts even if it's from someone you no longer want. A knife in your heart hurts no less if you don't want it there. For every ending there is a once upon a time and for every broken soul there is a once upon a happy soul. Stay strong.

Time flew. It was time to go home. Zain went out to get his cycle from the bike rack. He pulled it out but couldn't. It was stuck. He pulled it harder when the chain fall out.


He kicked the cycle and put his palms together; touched his lips with the tips of the fingers. He seemed agitated. He was examining the cycle when some boys asked him the complication. Zain let a boy examine it. He tried to fix the chain but failed to do so. Zain then decided to leave the cycle there and go home on a public transport. He raced to the reception and informed them about his cycle as it was going to be in the college for that day.

At last Zain had to walk to the nearest bus stop. Other people were waiting there too out of all those people the only person who caught Zain's attention was Hania. The buses arrived and followed there destinations, the bus which went to their neighborhood was not arrived yet so they had to wait. Zain slowly stepped closer to her. He was fidgeting and looked flustered. He peeked the statuesque girl who was standing beside him. Hania didn't even tried to take a glimpse of the figure standing next to her.

Zain slowly crept towards her. He raised his hand in order to get her attention but failed. At last, he gathered up his confidence and asked

"Do you also live in Gulberg Green?"
Hania nodded.

"Ohh, I live near it, like just two roads pass." He flustered.

She looked at him.

"I never saw you going on a bus."

"Yeah me too- I mean I usually have my private transport but today it kinda had some mechanical issue."

"Oh, that's sad."

"So Hania. You always wait here like this?"

"Yep. I'm more comfortable."

"Isn't it dangerous standing here, like this. You know what I mean."


"Oh, Ok."
The conversation ended up like this. Zain checked the time. Ten more minutes to go. Why is it taking too long.
Hopefully the bus arrived. People stepped out. Zain and Hania get on the bus. Hania sat down as she found an empty seat next to a pregnant woman. She smiled at her and asked for her permission. The woman told her that it was his husband's seat but she can sit as he can sit with other men too. She carefully sat down. She peeped at Zain who was standing, holding the handlebar. Zain glanced at her.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The woman murmured blissfully. Hania gawked at her. She moved her head and slowly answered.

The woman chuckled.

"Then why are you two being so awkward?"

"Awkward, we no. I don't even know him. It's just he's a student of my institute."

"Oh. That's what it is. I thought- You know nowadays children are so much into these things, when I was your age it was not usual and also not acceptable."

"Ma'am we are not! We are nothing. He is just a boy I don't even know his- his full name." Hania griped while looking at Zain who was busy teasing a child.
She gazed at him.

What is this feeling? Why is he becoming a part of my life. I never knew him! It's all because of him that my mind makes up hallucinations now. I resent this. I resent him.

Reticence surrounded all around. Hania was sitting as she was before, not moving a little bit. She called it a day. She just wanted to reach home and lie down on her cozy bed. The bus stopped at a bus stop. The woman left on that stop. Hania moved to the window seat. She saw the cars racing on the road. Zain was still standing. She peeked him. She looked at him and when their eyes met she called him by gesticulating with her hand. Zain gazed at her for a slight bit then stepped to her. He bowed down to her level and asked
"What is it?"
Hania looked at him back. It was a very mesmerizing moment. Both of their eyes met. Zain ogled at her.

She is beautiful. He thought

Her aromatic scent was enough to make him wanna peck her. He wanted to touch her lips so bad but he couldn't. Hania's sight couldn't stay still. She couldn't overlook the person standing next to her. She could feel his desire. She hurriedly moved back. Zain realized it.

"Ah. Ah what are you doing."

"Nothing, nothing you called me." He flustered, rubbing his neck bashfully.

"Yeah i-i wanted to say you that, forget it, it's already bad."

"What's bad? Come-on you didn't even told me. As if I would have a revelation."

"You can sit here. If you want to." Hania tapped the seat as she looked at Zain.

"Really? Ah why not!" He blissed and jumped on the seat next to her.

"Ahh, it feels good. I've been standing for long. This bus took the long way. I usually take the shortcut. Frustrating."
After the small incidence none of them tried to talk to each other. Hania kept looking outside the window and Zain was busy staring at the bunch of boys who were sitting in the backseat and listening to music. It reminded him of Hamza.

Time was flying. Those fifteen minutes which Zain thought would work out for him were just about to over and both of them didn't come to a conclusion. Hania was swaying her hand outside the window, she could feel the air pressure. She was busy doing it when she felt something cold on her palm. She looked at it. It was a raindrop. It was raining. A smiled appeared on her face. She looked blissful and carefree. Zain was napping. Hania clutched his arm which made him wake up, he turned to her. She pointed outside the window, Zain looked at the rain and than beamed to her. It was a moment in which both of them had nothing to think about. No one was a stranger, no one was a crush, no one was a school mate, nothing. It was just him and her. Both of them enjoyed the delightful moment. Zain moved forward and put his hand out of the window. Hania looked him. He looked her back and smirked. She slightly moved back. Zain glimpsed her and moved back too as she seemed uncomfortable.

The rain stopped. The bus arrived at the final bus stop. Zain got up and stretched his arms. Hania picked up her stuff and both of them stepped out of the bus. They walked and had to cross the road. Zain thought of helping her cross the road. He slightly held her arm. She immediately turned to him.

"I know how to do that." She asserted removing his hand from her arm.

"I never said you don't." He uttered stepping back. Hania looked at the sky. She sniffed the earthy scent.

"Zain. Petrichor is emanating from the grass." She exulted. Zain gazed at her and than smiled. He crouched and plugged out a daisy which was growing between the grass. He stood up, he was rolling the flower, he looked in her eyes and put the flower behind her ear.


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Q. What's your favorite season?
I like the rainy season, I also like winter.

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