Chapter 5: Dismay

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'It's not the end until it's the end.' what does this means? Giving up before knowing the end is useless. Reading and praising hundreds of motivational quotes is useless when one cannot even understand any one of it's meaning. Fall asleep with love and forgiveness in your heart, what is meant for you will be there for you.

Zain was lost in his notions. He could hear the voices of his inner enchantments, those who had control over his childish mind. He was thinking of what this was all about, his friend was rolling on the ground grieving for his pal to look at him and hold him. Zain caught sight of him. He hurriedly picked him up and gave him support; removed the dust off his clothes.

He took him all the way to the clinic. He could feel the pain of his buddy. Not the pain of his sprain but the pain he felt because of his life.

"Hamza, are you still getting bullied." Zain asked on his way to the college clinic holding his friend.

"Hah~ are you kidding me! At this time you should run, I hope my bone is on it's place."

"I- I can see the pain."

"What pain you bitch. I'll see you. just wait."

"Ok. I guess those tears are really because of the sprain."
They reached the clinic. Zain waited outside. About ten minutes later The nurse walked out.

"Call his family please."

"Why! Is it serious?"

"No it's not that critical it's just a twist in the ankle. It will hurt. It will be painful to walk, just treat it with hot pad."

"Don't worry ma'am. I'll take him with me. It's hard for his parents to come here."

"Ok as you wish. It's already afternoon you two should be on your way back home now."

"Yes thank you."

He went in and saw Hamza sitting on the stretcher. He stood behind him and then twirled around him smiling at him. This made him smile back.

"What! Why are you smiling, you look like a koala." Hamza giggled hitting him on the arm.

"Then what do you think about yourself. By the way I'm sorry for this." He said pointing at the sprain.

"No worries man. It's you and me at the end."

"Yeah." Then he sat beside him, sighed and looked at his friend who was examining his ankle strain.

"Hamza. I want to tell you something."

"Hm," he responded. "What?"

"Actually I'm, I don't know that It'll make sense to you or not. I-."

Fxxk how do I say this!

"I think I can dream about the future."

"What? Oh yeah it happens sometimes that your dreams match with the reality. Ah I also saw one in it my mom-"

"Not like that! I mean I see the exact same scene as of the future. Like yeah, you remember that day when I'm sorry I'm bringing this up again but, that day when we were called in the staff room because you stole the papers. I mean I saw it in my dream the night before! Can you believe it!"

"Hah, ok~ that's something new but it's fine. It happens some-"

"And today the scene we saw today. Hania at the reception, I saw that in my dream too. And I couldn't hear her because a sudden sound woke me up. And now, it was actually you. I can't believe it."

"That's kinda weird. Maybe you are a prophetic dreamer."


"A prophetic dreamer. A person who can see the future in his dreams. You see dreams which seem to be clear prophecies of subsequent events. But can't predict that with just two dreams we need more!"

Zain gawked at his friend in oddity.
The college was soon to be closed. It was 3pm in the afternoon. Zain took Hamza to his house. He picked his siblings from his neighbor and went in. All of them had the lunch. The children went to sleep; Zain and Hamza played video games till 6pm. Then he made Hamza rest in his room while he washed the dishes.

He pulled a plate out of the pile of dirty dishes and put dish wash on it, then started scrubbing it slowly. He was thinking about random things.
Yah. Why did Henry killed moa in the ship? Why didn't she teleported. She was a supernatural being unlike that guy.

Did i do the right thing by telling Hamza about all of this?
What was she doing there anyway?
What was she thinking while texting me that night? Hehe
Ah what is wrong with me?

All these thoughts kept him busy. Anyways time passed. Zain and Hamza completed their homework, Zain dropped his friend at his house, on the way back he bought some burgers and ate them with his siblings. The day ended and it was night.

Zain went to his bedroom. he was preparing his bed when the door knocked. He looked back. He opened the door and saw his brother standing there holding his favorite plushie.
"Oh what happened?"


"Then why are you here."

"Can I come in? Thank you." And he went in, jumped on the bed and wrapped the blanket all around him.

"Hey. What are you doing. You left Zoha all alone. She'll start crying if she realizes she's alone. Go back."

"Brother. I miss mom."
Zain looked at him and slowly sat on the bed.

"Oh. Then let me call her then."

"But you know what I miss dad more." He said whining. Zain moved closer to him and held him in his arms.

"Yeah you are right. Don't worry he is In a more pious place than this."
"In the heaven. Don't cry I'm here with you all. Ok? Nothing will happen to you all until I'm alive." He said wiping the tears off his brother's red cheeks. He then stepped down the bed, slide in the corridor to the room two rooms ahead. His sister was sleeping. He patted her head gently in Glee and held her in his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck and flew to his room, he slowly placed her on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

"Hah. I'll sleep with you two tonight." He said smiling blissfully.

That night the three of them enjoyed each other's company, warmth and felt the close affection they had for each other. What a beautiful relationship!


Hania stepped in the balcony, the sky was starry. She glared at the stars serenely. Her long brunette hair was swirling with the wind. She was looking at the stars and the moon mingling between, holding each other not moving a little bit. Slowly tears made her eyes wet, the tears making her cheeks dowsed and on her breathtaking lips.
'What a dismay. My life is a waste.'


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Q. What is your biggest goal of life?

Mine is to become a professional writer.

The Prophetic DreamerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz