chapter 9: Benevolence

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It was the moment when Zain also looked back at her. They were ogling each other when Hania's conscience asked her 'ARE YOU DONE?' and zapped back. Zain sighed to the familiar reaction.

"Api (big sister in urdu), can we call you api?"

Hania moved towards the children.

"Yeah, yeah what ever you want. You can call me anything."

Zain glanced at them and then moved back to where he was standing before, holding the handlebar.
Hania than started to tell an incident of her aunt out of the blue. He looked at her stunned.

"Yeah so my aunt once fell from the bike and...."

I have to cleanup this mess I just created!!! She thought.

Hania was verbalizing her story as she  caught a glimpse of Zain who was literally confused of the sudden scenario she made up. The children were busy hearing out her fancy story.

Ahh boys are so dumb. Why is he looking at me like that rather than also acting along!?! She thought

"Yeah that's it." She finished.

"Wow, that was  scary. Is she fine now?" Zoha said beaming.

"Yeah yeah she's fine." Hania grinned awkwardly.

The bus stopped, Zain went out to drop his siblings at the school, while leaving he was gazing at Hania as if they will never meet again!

Her eyes landed on him.


At last all of them were on their ways now. Hania went straight to the college; Zain dropped off his siblings and now he had everything messed up, he took a bus back to where he parked his cycle and cycled all the way to the college again. He was late.

Zain was walking up the staircase hiding in case the teachers pointed him out for being late. He then sneaked to the class and all the way to his seat. He saw Hamza sitting at the back.
He glanced at him, Zain waved as he settled down but seeing Hamza not responding him positively, he slowly put his hand down. After the class was over Zain ran to Hamza who was walking in the corridor. He turned and pinned him against the wall.

"Hamza what's the problem?" He clenched.
He looked him in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"What the- what do you mean by what do I mean!?"

"Zain leave my way ok." He uttered zapping due to which Zain tumbled. He crouched. Hamza was gawking him.

"Ok I'll ask you from here. What's the problem? Why that face. What happened now?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"You are pessimistic."

"I know. Just speak up man!"
Hamza frowned and pulled him up by his collar and took him all the way to the dead end of the corridor.

"Where were you yesterday and the day before yesterday and-"

"Zain I'm leaving this college."
The atmosphere was taciturn. Zain was at a loss of words.

"What do you mean?" He inquired reticently.

"Yeah, I was not coming for two Three days because I was busy with my leaving procedure with the college. My father found a job in Lahore and that's why we are moving out."

"What the fu*k are you mumbling you d*ckhead!!!!!" Zain bawled clutching Hamza.

"Just knock it off dude! I'm not your wife or anything so than why are u so upset about me leaving.”

"Like you know about my feelings!" Zain grieved crouching down." Why didn't you freaking told me about it?!"

"Listen," Hamza retorted crouching "its good that I'm finally getting out of this place. And about telling you, my mother refused to do so because she knows how close we are. she was afraid that you wouldn't let me go and we'll have to take a rain check. That's it, let's not exaggerate it ok?" He said patting Zain on his back who was busy yowling. After all the crying he finally raised his head. Hamza chuckled as he wiped the tears off his face.

"Ok, but don't fu*cking try to talk to me." Zain asserted standing up as he went on his way back to the class, rubbing his eyes vigorously.

The peculiar atmosphere was drowsing Zain. Everything around him was just a chimera, tears were shining in his eyes. Epiphora of displeasure; he wanted to run somewhere he was left alone with just reverie and some reticence. He was gawking outside the window. He dropped his chin on his arm and fell asleep. 

"The dead end of a corridor is not a phenomenal place to start a fight."

"Oh really you bitch, so you think you you can really beat me up in these ten minutes of yours."

"Yes I can, I don't need to do much , I can just flick you."

"Oh really then come on come here!"

"Are you done daydreaming, it's an authentic place!!!"

Zain raised his head rubbing his eyes. He could see miss Hira standing in front of him fuming.

"Really? are you serious Zain. I don't know what to say but if you really don't want to study you can get out of this class room now!!!!!!"

"Ok, ok just don't freaking shout!!!" Zain aped rubbing his forehead vigorously, he could hear a tuning sound in his head which was really distressing.

"Please just, just keep it low, all of you." Zain Bemoaned frowning in pain. The teacher gawked at him in rage, she flung him by his arm.

"So now you will shout at your elders, do you have no fear of God!" She bristled.
Zain was feeling twinges in his head, he was holding his head as the worrisome sound was making him go crazy. Everyone was watching the sudden scene which was becoming more serious. Hamza was peeking from the last bench.
What are you doing! Why are you being like this Zain you were never that arrogant, is it because of me!

"Ma'am I'm really sorry i-" Zain mumbled

"What! What are you babbling, being disrespectful again!"

"No miss i-" and He blacked out.
The teacher grasped him before he reached the ground. Everyone was startled, Hamza ran to them as he helped teacher with the boy.

After a moment Zain opened his eyes. Hamza was sitting beside him wringing his hands together. His eyes landed on the boy who was busy gazing him. He leaned closer.

"Ahh you are awake now. How are you feeling?" He asked caressing Zain's head.

"Fine, i-im fine. I don't remember-"

"Don't worry it's fine. Nothing serious but why did you ended up like this. You should've told if you weren't feeling well."

"Hamza, please don't go,  I know you think I’m stupid but we’ve been friends since childhood." Zain grieved clutching His hand.

"Zain, listen I can't do anything now ok? Let's just enjoy these days together rather than crying like Stupids."
Zain nodded to his friend's friendly advise.

"I don't know, I was just dozed off, then I was dreaming a- I - then my head starting to ache so bad, I heard a very hypnotizing tune, vibration just like that one of the tuning fork then i-"

"Let it go. Leave it." Hamza replied. He then hugged his friend. It was a good one! Zain simultaneously got up and clutched him back.

"You never failed to be a good friend."
He mumbled.

“Don’t think that distance can affect our friendship. Nothing can.”


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Q. Have you ever cried without a reason?
Cuz I have alottttt!!!! :( :)

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